08-21-2008, 07:41 PM
I just started programming in spb files. Here is a file I want to run. It doesn't do anything in the simulator. Is it a valid file? Any things you can see that I am doing wrong?
'this is a file containing subroutines for producing three
'dimensional designs using interlocking faces cut out of
'high quality plywood
'the command structure should be
'start point x, start point y, end point x, end point y, angle of connection, type of edge, type of material, cutter
&spx = 10
&spy = 10
&epx = 10
&epy = 20
&angle = 90
&type = connect
&material = oak_ply_12_mm
&cutter = unknown
&tooth_count = 7
&cut_count = 3
gosub m2_start
08-21-2008, 08:53 PM
Hi Brian,
Great start. I see a few syntax errors that could cause problems, but it's a great use of system variables and position tests. Here are some things to try (though I'm afraid the forum's formatting may make it hard to follow):
*) I think that using "m2_start:" as a label is causing problems, since "m2" is a ShopBot command. Change that to "move_start:" or something like that.
*) add a "GOTO" between the THEN and the labels in your IF tests. So...
"if &m > .5 then start_teeth_loop"
should be...
"if &m > .5 then GOTO start_teeth_loop"
*) You don't need the ":" in the label name in the IF tests, so...
"if [ &spx - %(1) ] * [ &spx - %(1) ] < .001 then dont_lift:"
should be...
"if [ &spx - %(1) ] * [ &spx - %(1) ] < .001 then GOTO dont_lift"
*) You need to use "()" brackets in your nesting and not "[]" brackets
************************************************** *
Here's my mod of your program...see if it does what you expect.
'this is a file containing subroutines for producing three
'dimensional designs using interlocking faces cut out of
'high quality plywood
'the command structure should be
'start point x, start point y, end point x, end point y, angle of connection, type of edge, type of material, cutter
&spx = 10
&spy = 10
&epx = 10
&epy = 20
&angle = 90
&type = connect
&material = oak_ply_12_mm
&cutter = unknown
&tooth_count = 7
&cut_count = 3
gosub move_start 'move the cutter to the start point
'loop until we cut down to the veneer
'7 teeth per side
&n = &cut_count '
&m = &tooth_count '
gosub tooth
&m =&m - 1
if &m > .5 then goto start_teeth_loop
&n = &n - 1
if &n > .5 then goto start_cut_loop
'check distance to start point
if ( &spx - %(1) ) * ( &spx - %(1) ) < .001 then goto dont_lift
if ( &spy - %(2) ) * ( &spy - %(2) ) < .001 then goto dont_lift
jz .5 'if large distance raise cutter
j2 &spx, &spy 'jog cutter
mz 0 'lower cutter
if ( %(3) * %(3) ) > .001 then mz 0 'if not at z = zero then go there
'out part
m2 %(1)+1,%(2) 'cut a straight line
'in part
'pass 1
m2 %(1)+1,%(2) 'continue straight cut
m2 %(1),%(2)+.125 'cut into tooth
m2 %(1)-1,%(2) 'cut back across tooth
m2 %(1),%(2)+.25 'cut further into tooth
m2 %(1),%(2)-.125 'recess for face
m2 %(1)+1,%(2) 'continue straight cut
Hope this helps,
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