View Full Version : Trouble saving Vector files

11-17-2000, 01:05 PM
Have recently ordered a 96 and have received the Vector CAD/CAM software. After drawing a part ( a door stile mortised for rail tenons and fixed wooden louver tenons) and saving it, I am unable to reopen the file later to continue work on it - Is this peculiar to the demo and do I have to wait for the bot to arrive with the full program? It would be nice to have some drawings ready to convert to cut files before arrival in January.

11-17-2000, 02:29 PM
Could you be a little more specific as to your problem? Can you find the file? Does it have a .ccd ending? I don't think it should have anything to do with the demo. Let me know and I'll try to help
Also you might try the Vector Forum at vectorcam.com & click on support, then the forum.

John Forney

11-20-2000, 07:44 AM
Thanks John, but the problem seems to have sorted itself out, although I have done nothing different when saving version 3 of my louvered door stile.
Many thanks,

Ed Pionkowski

12-26-2000, 07:58 PM
If you are using Vector check out the support forum at Vectorcam.com. Go to Vectorcam.com and click on Support, then click on Vector Forum. There are some good posts concerning Vector and Shopbot. If you have received the new vector 8.1 and are using Shopbot config D, there is new information about initially using it.

John Forney