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I am tring to figgure out how to fix a runtime error 13 when converting a dxf file. Any ideas?
02-20-2007, 12:59 PM
Hey Jacob,
Error 13 is a "type mismatch" error which usually means that the program is getting information that doesn't match what it expects...for instance it's finding text when it expects a number.
For a supposedly "universal" CAD format the dxf format is amazingly non-standard...what software did you use to generate the dxf file? If your program saves in a very recent version of dxf you might see if you have the option to save the file as an earlier version...maybe release 12.
If that doesn't work, send the dxf file to ShopBot support and we'll see if we can figure it out.
I have tried all of the other dxf versions. it was created on AutoCAD 2007 but we are using 2002 here. Even converting in the 07 version does not change anything. I have attached the file. Thanks for the help.
Problem File ( (46.2 k)
Brady Watson
02-20-2007, 01:41 PM
The Zip file contained a DWG, not a DXF. When you save a file for conversion out of AutoCAD, save it as a DXF, version 12 or 14.
See attached. This works with the converter with no errors...which may have been a result of you using a DWG instead of a DXF.
-B ( (6.8 k)
02-20-2007, 01:43 PM
Hey Jacob,
That dwg file had a bunch of blocks in it that weren't visible but were causing problems...looks like some page templates parts and bits of odd text. I got it converted into a usable version using Rhino...if you'll send me your email address I'll send you a usable dxf file.
Thanks for the quick help....
Brady: I just sent the dwg because I was under a time constraint. I have tried the dxf version of what I uploaded.
Bill: check You Email...
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