View Full Version : Iges Files
bradshaw (Unregistered Guest)
02-18-2005, 09:10 PM
I have a model tha is an iges file. Can someone tell me what software I can use to convert this to a 3d .sbp file.
Brady Watson
02-18-2005, 09:46 PM
You can use Rhino to convert the iges file to any number of 3D files including STL.
You cannot however convert 3D geometry directly into a SBP. You will need at the very least FreeMill (not sure if still available or not from MecSOft) or $250 for MillWizard to create a 3D toolpath.
might wanna look too at ( for MeshCAM (very low priced) that is a 3D CAM software... and there is Quick3D at that is a 3D file converter... ( for FREEMILL
02-19-2005, 07:34 AM
Visual Mill will convert IGES to .sbp file. You will have to do the toolpathing yourself
Bradshaw (Unregistered Guest)
02-19-2005, 08:07 AM
Thanks to everyone that has responded. I have not tried to generate any 3d files in the past so I guess I have some learning to do. Question:
If I use one of the packages to convert from iges to dxf and use millwizard to do the tool path, how do I convert it to a .sbp file.
Brady Watson
02-19-2005, 10:12 AM
Go download the trial version of MillWizard & the trial version of Rhino.
Convert the iges to an STL. 3D DXFs don't always convert very well.
Define your material size, toolbit (you will need a ball end mill to do 3D) and watch MillWizard calculate the toolpath. You then save the toolpath using the ShopBot post processor included in MW.
If you downloaded both of could be cutting parts this afternoon if there are no limits on the demo output.
Search the forum for MillWizard. There are several posts showing images of it in action.
02-19-2005, 11:56 AM
Unfortunately Millwizard demo is severely restricted and will not put out anything other than from its own supplied geometry files. The full version works well though.
Brady Watson
02-19-2005, 07:16 PM
Well...another option is to pay someone a modest fee to provide you will a 3D toolpath file. You give them your bit specs and material dimensions, and they give you an SBP file that you can run.
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