View Full Version : Artcam
Willy Knows
09-18-2003, 05:56 PM
Does anyone know if Artcam allows two seperate tool sizes(1/4 and 1/16 to be used to pocket-out a sharp cornered object?
09-18-2003, 06:42 PM
You could use the "rest machining" feature in version 6 which allows you to run one toolpath, and then go back and re-run it with a smaller bit to get into areas the first tool diameter would not cut.
Willy K
09-18-2003, 07:52 PM
I found an earlier version for resale and was wondering if I should buy it,Version 5???,but if I cant do what I need then I guess i'll have to pass. : ((
Thanks Willy
09-18-2003, 10:04 PM
Yes version 5 will perform this task and you do not need to rerun over the existing work.
It will go in and take out just the corners for you. All you have to do is elect the area you wan to hog out and then selct the bits to perform the task. It is very efficient and will creat a nice clean corner.
09-19-2003, 08:32 AM
do you mean that this would be output in two seperate files that overlap, because I dont think the shopbot driver supports differant tool sizes in the same file??
09-19-2003, 08:43 AM
Yes willy,
That is corect, you would have to files to save the 16th and the 1/4" bit.
I believe you load both bits in the original list in the beginning though.
It has been several month since i worked with that software but I have seen it work.
what is the price on the used artcam?
In profile lab it is really easy and you can pick the tool paths real seperatley using their tool path viewer.
This is the program I amcurrently using.
09-19-2003, 10:37 AM
Thanks Dale
Its at an auction here next Monday so if I walk out with it for $50.00 I will be laughing.
Laughing Willy
09-22-2003, 10:16 PM
It’s sounds like Artcam is the way to go, I just upgraded my ENROUTE 3 Plus to the latest version. It cost me $2500.00 on top of the $3500.00 I bought it for 2 years ago. I keep waiting for that big improvement in there next version. I was told that the 3D is coming out in a month (a year ago). Don't think that I am saying this is a bad program, it does a great job for what I got it to do, I just want more features. I use it to v-carve letters, and it does a great job. I use ProCam to do pockets, contours, and profile cuts. Is there a trade in program for Artcam? Does anyone else out there use Enrout 3 that can compare it to Artcam?
09-23-2003, 09:49 PM
Artcam to my knowledge does not offer a trade in rebate unless you have one of their products. They are pretty confident and so they should be that their product is worth the value asking.
You just need to ensure you can pay it off with work in reasonable time.
06-05-2004, 04:49 PM
Does anyone have a post for Artcam Pro that supports the dual router option for the Shopbot that inserts the VI,,,,,,3,4 and VI,,,,,,4,3 in the right place.
06-06-2004, 08:22 PM
The VS3D software can perform true 3D carving with multiple tool bit shapes and sizes.
VS3D automatically performs all the 3D tool offset calculations based upon the shape of the cutting bit and the shape of the surface to cut.
When using multiple tool bit sizes, VS3D will output multiple ShopBot (or G-Code) files. If you have a machine with an automatic tool changer, VS3D will support that as well (in G-Code) and can put multiple paths with different tools in the same file.
VS3D "remembers" what portions of the surface have been cut away by previous tool passes, so it is very effective at pocketing with rough and fine cuts.
And VS3D is currently offered at $975.
Go to:
Daniel Carr - President
Designs Computed, LLC
07-08-2004, 08:56 AM
Is there a forum specificaly for Artcam? I just purchased it and there's a lot to learn. I've learned a lot from this Shopbot forum. I know I'd learn more about Artcam quicker from a similar forum.
07-08-2004, 09:05 AM
Just go to the Artcam home page ( ( and there is a link to the forum from there...
07-08-2004, 11:58 AM
Interesting Face Wizard ( at the Artcam site.
Made a drawing of the Navy Medal of Honor in Rhino,saved as a dxf. Opened file in ArtCAM Pro 7 and all was OK. Went back into Rhino, added more detail, dxf'ed, and back into ArtCAM. Now I get an error with a debug reprort.
07-31-2004, 12:58 PM
try saving it as a 3DS file instead???
3ds did not carry over, got a "unsupported image type" message. Went back in and resaved as a dwg instead of a dxf and it loaded right up into ArtCAM. What a long morining. Guess on my computer there is something conflicting with saving on some foremats. Thank you Dale for your repley.
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