View Full Version : Need post processor for AlphaPRT 96 to run MasterCam X
12-07-2006, 05:23 PM
I have MasterCam X router software and my question is, can I use this software to run my AlphaPRT 96, I was told that I could but I'm going to need a post processor to use the software. Is there anyone out there that has a copy of the post processor for MasterCam X ? Please call me if you do. (209) 312-0138
Brady Watson
12-07-2006, 09:08 PM
Last I heard, the MasterCAM post did not work with the ShopBot. You have to output it as generic G-code & then either run it as is or convert it using the FC command.
MC won't actually 'run' the ShopBot, only create toolpaths for you.
12-07-2006, 09:43 PM
Thanks Brady, I'll check into it more
12-08-2006, 02:18 PM
Have you tried this one listed on our website? I am not sure if it works with the newer versions but it may give you a starting point.
ShopBot Tools
I think I've read that the next SB3 will read G-code just fine... check out Ted's column. Until the converter should do the trick.
One more thing, if MC post's are configurable, you could code your own... with some help...?
12-13-2006, 11:54 AM
Download the Mastercam to Shopbot post that Scott put the link for. That post was designed in Mastercam V8 and updated for V9. You can use the UpdatePost c-hook to update it for Mastercam X or X2. It will even create the machine & control definition. It produces standard Shopbot SBP code MX, MY, MZ, M3 & the J codes also. You can email me at ( and I can send you the post, machine definition and control definition for X or X2.
I wrote that post way back in Mastercam V8 and have been updating it and using it on a regular basis on my Bot. One of the only things that it won't do is a M4 for a rotary axis(I don't have a rotary so I did not put it in the post). The other limitation is in the Shopbot for supporting Arcs in the XZ & YZ planes. The post will actually error out if it finds arc motion in those planes. In Mastercam X and before you can set it up so that kind of arc motion is linearized.
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