View Full Version : Need post processor for AlphaPRT 96 to run MasterCam X

12-07-2006, 06:23 PM
I have MasterCam X router software and my question is, can I use this software to run my AlphaPRT 96, I was told that I could but I'm going to need a post processor to use the software. Is there anyone out there that has a copy of the post processor for MasterCam X ? Please call me if you do. (209) 312-0138

Brady Watson
12-07-2006, 10:08 PM
Last I heard, the MasterCAM post did not work with the ShopBot. You have to output it as generic G-code & then either run it as is or convert it using the FC command.

MC won't actually 'run' the ShopBot, only create toolpaths for you.


12-07-2006, 10:43 PM
Thanks Brady, I'll check into it more

12-08-2006, 03:18 PM
Have you tried this one listed on our website? I am not sure if it works with the newer versions but it may give you a starting point.

ShopBot Tools

12-08-2006, 08:05 PM
I think I've read that the next SB3 will read G-code just fine... check out Ted's column. Until the converter should do the trick.

12-08-2006, 08:06 PM
One more thing, if MC post's are configurable, you could code your own... with some help...?

12-13-2006, 12:54 PM
Download the Mastercam to Shopbot post that Scott put the link for. That post was designed in Mastercam V8 and updated for V9. You can use the UpdatePost c-hook to update it for Mastercam X or X2. It will even create the machine & control definition. It produces standard Shopbot SBP code MX, MY, MZ, M3 & the J codes also. You can email me at stevel@cadcamsolutions.net (mailto:stevel@cadcamsolutions.net) and I can send you the post, machine definition and control definition for X or X2.

I wrote that post way back in Mastercam V8 and have been updating it and using it on a regular basis on my Bot. One of the only things that it won't do is a M4 for a rotary axis(I don't have a rotary so I did not put it in the post). The other limitation is in the Shopbot for supporting Arcs in the XZ & YZ planes. The post will actually error out if it finds arc motion in those planes. In Mastercam X and before you can set it up so that kind of arc motion is linearized.