View Full Version : Customer provided picture

09-29-2009, 03:05 PM
Is there a way for me to take a picture provided by a customer and convert it to cut it with Part Wizard? They are thinking of a picture with scenery. I have the VectorArt blue book, but they just can't find a picture they like.

09-29-2009, 03:49 PM
A photo is a bitmap array, while partworks deals with vectors. Converting one to the other can be done with varying degrees of success with other programs. It depends highly on the photo, and your skill with image manipulations.

One thing you might consider is Inkscape, it is free and has some capacity to do that built in. You could try it and see if the customer likes the result. Everybody stays happy..

Adobe Illustrator is the "big kid on the block" for that kind of work, but is expensive and has a steep learning curve. Not something I would want to undertake while a customer is waiting for the result. Since it costs whether you get paid or not.

Another option is to hire James Booth to do the conversion. He is renown for his ability to do that specific work.

Good luck!