View Full Version : When I run the .sbp file through the .dxf creator the parts end up with rounded corners

10-20-2006, 11:19 AM

"When I run the .sbp file through the .dxf creator the parts end up with rounded corners. "

Remember that the sbp file that you're getting out of Part Wizard is the toolpath and not the actual part...it's basically offset by the radius of the bit. Part Wizard generates toolpaths for parts with sharp outside corners by radiusing the toolpath so that the tool makes a continuous motion around the corner, instead of an abrupt stop and then restart in the new direction. The toolpath makes the rounded move but the part retains it's sharp corner.


10-20-2006, 12:35 PM
I must admit that I don't use Part wizard, but if it always uses the offset, it seems you have to use a non-standard technique to produce sharp 'chamfered' outside corners using a v-bit, when profile cutting. This type of 'chamfered' edge doesn't need v-carving techniques.
I guess you would extend the ends of each line the radius of the V-bit (at the cutting depth).
Just interested how this can be done.


10-20-2006, 04:40 PM
Hey Mike,

I'm not sure I'm visualizing your question correctly but seems like if you wanted to cut a chamfer with a v bit that you wouldn't want to do a profile cut but would want to use the "machine along Vectors" option instead. That way the point of the bit would be cutting along the edge of the part and the chamfer would be inboard of the edge. Part Wizard only creates the radiused outside corners when doing profile cuts.


10-20-2006, 05:34 PM
Are you looking at the toolpath and thinking that the corners are rounded or did you actually cut the piece and end up with rounded corners?

The toolpath will look rounded, ( due to corner offsets) but will actually cut square.

Hope I understand your question


10-21-2006, 01:17 AM
Of course!
Silly me
