View Full Version : VU

08-24-2005, 06:08 AM
I had a problem with cutting (file just stopped a few lines in)so downloaded the latest version of the control software - 3.4.7.

This overcame the file stopping problem but the calibration was wrong - about 4x to big.

Looked in the manual and see that VU for all axes should be 1273.2395 on the Alpha. Typed these values in, typed SK and pressed the "down" arrow on keyboard and the Y carraige shot onto it's stop like a bullet. (The Y motor jumped off the rack and the spring stretched permanently. Had to shorten the turnbuckle to get the tensioner to work again).

Obviously 1273.2395 is not a good value despite being in the manual.

Holding the cursor over the VU fill in sheet shows the defaults to be 32340.283.

All this was on my laptop which I use with the ShopBot at present. Came back to the house and had a look on the desktop which has never been connected to the SB and still has the values it came with - 7.2184 for X & Y, and 36.0918 for Z.

All the above are with the software set for mm. Should I have set VU at the figure the manual gives whith the software set to inches? Why is the default so much bigger than the figure in the manual? Why was the software cutting 4x to big to start with? Confused.

I'd appreciate some advice before sending the carraige crashing into the end stops again. Thanks.


Brady Watson
08-24-2005, 09:05 AM
Are you SURE that you are running the Alpha version of the software and not the PRT version by mistake?


08-24-2005, 09:19 AM
Brady, I downloaded the latest version this morning, and have just checked the download page, yes it is for the Alpha.

I have now decided that I might as well sort this problem out on the desktop computer which was destined to become the SB computer anyway. Downloaded the latest version to it and have put that in the workshop. Can't connect to control box, but can upload firmware......... I'll try and sort that out this afternoon, but am still not sure what the VU's should be. I might start at a low number and work my way up unless somebody suggests better.


08-24-2005, 12:05 PM
John, I saw somewhere else that VU's for inches and millimeters are two different factors. The one is 25.4 times the other. The figure in the manual is probably only for inches.

08-24-2005, 12:25 PM
Thanks Gerald, this is in fact the case. The VU number SB give is of course correct, but must be input whilst the SB is in inch mode, then switch back to mm.

(Now to fix that USB problem.)