View Full Version : CP Command Cut Circle Center Point Error 9

01-03-2005, 08:06 PM
I have been writing lines of ShopBot control software to cut gauges (fuel, water, tach, etc) in a dashboard that has an arc on the top and bottom of it. The arc length is specified earlier in the program to satisfy the variable &arch_long. I get a "Run Time Error 9 Subscript Out of Range" error that comes and goes depending on the parameters entered for circle diameter and x coordinate start. All of these errors I am getting in Simulation mode, I have not tried Run Mode.

Here are the lines of code:

'below cuts a small gauge to the left of the left gauge .5" up from the y axis
CP, 2.1,((&arch_long+.375)/2)-6.845,.5,i,1,0,0,-&ply_thick,1,1,1,0,0,1

'below cuts a small gauge to the left of the center gauge .5" up from the y axis
CP, 2.1,((&arch_long+.375)/2)-3.745,.5,i,1,0,0,-&ply_thick,1,1,1,0,0,1

If I change the diameter of the circle in the second line to 2.11 or 2.12 it simulates. If I change the diameter to 2.13, 2.14, or 2.15 I get the error message 9 above.

If I remove the JH after the first step I get the error (I'd rather not JH to save time but I have to put it in to get no error).

Also if I reverse the order of the two steps, i.e run second step first, I get NO error and that is without the JH between them.

Is there a CP Cut Point bug I am not aware of?

01-04-2005, 08:19 AM
Hey Thomas,

I can't seem to duplicate the error. I tried your code in the newest version of the ShopBot software with a couple of different values for &arch_long, &plythick, and the circle diameter, and didn't get any errors...it draws two small circles a couple of inches apart along the X axis. Also shuffled the lines around in the file and removed the JH without problems. What version of the ShopBot software are you using?

How about sending me an email with the original sbp file to make sure that we're using the same version...sometimes the formatting of commands can get changed when posting on the forum.


01-04-2005, 08:36 AM
Just a thought..., or possibly a workaround...,can you change the JH to a JZ command and does it make any difference?

01-11-2005, 12:30 PM
For closure, I need to mention the 3.3.18 release fixes the problems I was having. Thanks Bill Young!!