01-03-2005, 09:06 PM
I have been writing lines of ShopBot control software to cut gauges (fuel, water, tach, etc) in a dashboard that has an arc on the top and bottom of it. The arc length is specified earlier in the program to satisfy the variable &arch_long. I get a "Run Time Error 9 Subscript Out of Range" error that comes and goes depending on the parameters entered for circle diameter and x coordinate start. All of these errors I am getting in Simulation mode, I have not tried Run Mode.
Here are the lines of code:
'below cuts a small gauge to the left of the left gauge .5" up from the y axis
CP, 2.1,((&arch_long+.375)/2)-6.845,.5,i,1,0,0,-&ply_thick,1,1,1,0,0,1
'below cuts a small gauge to the left of the center gauge .5" up from the y axis
CP, 2.1,((&arch_long+.375)/2)-3.745,.5,i,1,0,0,-&ply_thick,1,1,1,0,0,1
If I change the diameter of the circle in the second line to 2.11 or 2.12 it simulates. If I change the diameter to 2.13, 2.14, or 2.15 I get the error message 9 above.
If I remove the JH after the first step I get the error (I'd rather not JH to save time but I have to put it in to get no error).
Also if I reverse the order of the two steps, i.e run second step first, I get NO error and that is without the JH between them.
Is there a CP Cut Point bug I am not aware of?
Here are the lines of code:
'below cuts a small gauge to the left of the left gauge .5" up from the y axis
CP, 2.1,((&arch_long+.375)/2)-6.845,.5,i,1,0,0,-&ply_thick,1,1,1,0,0,1
'below cuts a small gauge to the left of the center gauge .5" up from the y axis
CP, 2.1,((&arch_long+.375)/2)-3.745,.5,i,1,0,0,-&ply_thick,1,1,1,0,0,1
If I change the diameter of the circle in the second line to 2.11 or 2.12 it simulates. If I change the diameter to 2.13, 2.14, or 2.15 I get the error message 9 above.
If I remove the JH after the first step I get the error (I'd rather not JH to save time but I have to put it in to get no error).
Also if I reverse the order of the two steps, i.e run second step first, I get NO error and that is without the JH between them.
Is there a CP Cut Point bug I am not aware of?