View Full Version : Upgrade to angle?

10-27-2000, 03:47 PM
will there be an upgrade to the new angle supports available? I think all I'd need is the angle and rack gear for the X and Y axis. the ball screw Z is OK for now.


Ted Hall, ShopBot
10-28-2000, 11:52 AM
Hi David,

Yes ... there will be a number of possible upgrades. We will try to keep the pricing as close to our costs as possible so that a complete upgrade will not involve much more expense than the difference in price of the tools.

We need a little time to catch up on production of the PRT tools, then we'll let you know exactly about various upgrades and what we think they will and will not do for you. Stay tuned to the web site ...

02-06-2001, 08:21 AM
any update on the upgrade? I'm in the process of redesigning my shop layout and would like to incorporate that change too if available.


02-16-2001, 06:47 AM
I am also interested in the upgrade

What do you see as the biggest hurdle in the changeover?

Any time frame available for this to occur?

02-16-2001, 10:00 AM
I also need the angle bar upgrade. My current struts are getting very cut and it is causing a number of problems.

04-06-2001, 09:43 AM
upgrade update? it's been a couple of months, any news?
