View Full Version : Pilot Holes

09-20-2008, 04:36 PM
Looking for suggestions for a drill bit to drill pilot holes in cabinet sides for #8 flathead assembly screws.

Gary Campbell
09-20-2008, 05:22 PM

Try this: http://www.toolstoday.com/p-5429-through-hole-v-point-boring-bits-70mm-long-10mm-x-25mm-shank-right-hand.aspx

We use the 4mm which is a fuzz over 5/32" for #8's. We are switching to #6 screws and or drilling will use a 1/8" bit, 1/4" countersink, a.k.a. solid carbide step drill. We will be flipping the panels to drill these holes after the inside holes and dados are complete.

09-20-2008, 06:18 PM
Thanks Gary. Are the screws not countersinking themselves well enough with the straight 1/8" hole?

Gary Campbell
09-20-2008, 06:45 PM
Actually, we had some blow out trying to increase drill plunge speed. Once we decided to flip the panels, then the addition of the countersink was a nice extra. Another benefit is that since we drill after the dados, we dont have to drill into the spoilboard.

09-20-2008, 07:08 PM
Do you cut everything out, then set the panels on the machine one at a time to do the pilot holes?

Gary Campbell
09-20-2008, 08:23 PM
We do it both ways... depending on how many parts are in a job. Most of the time we are placing precut oversize parts of glued up solid lumber on index blocks on the bot. Sometimes its veneer ply with a 3/4 solid front piece glued on and finishing (inside) is complete. We use the Bot to do all the top, bottom, back and stretcher dados, shelf, hinge and drawer slide system screw drilling and then trim to size. We will now be flipping them over to drill assembly screws for a dozen #6 x1.5" per panel (base)

Occasionally, when we get a job that gets edgeband (couple per year) we actually draw and nest the parts on a sheet with the design software and cut them from a sheet.