Support (Admin)
03-22-1999, 11:35 PM
From: Randy Date: 13 Jan 1999
Does anyone out there have any names of places they might reccomend that will make custom carbide tools.. My bot can be speeeded up a lot if my tools would just handle more speed than the 850 rpm drill that I am using now. I am cuttin g with a circle cutter at diameters up to 3 inch and will change over to a regular 1 hp electric motor if I can find the right tools. Thanks for any help offered. Randy
From: Ron Brown Date: 13 Jan 1999
Randy,I needed some specialty cutters made late last year. My local sharpen it shop charged me to have a template made and then reshape the bits. The cost of both services was about $35. It will cost less than half to have more bits shaped to the same template. If anyone would like the shop’s name and number, E-mail me. am in the DFW Texas area.
From: David Fisk Date: 13 Jan 1999
Randy, Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 1(800)288-7483 might, I know they cut custom shaper blades. If they don't they might know who does since they sell bits and blades from many differant sources. The guys at Diamond tooling have been very helpfull for me, they might be able to help you find someone who does custom carbide. They make custom diamond bits. 1-800-331-9563.
From: Randy Date: 13 Jan 1999
Does anyone out there have any names of places they might reccomend that will make custom carbide tools.. My bot can be speeeded up a lot if my tools would just handle more speed than the 850 rpm drill that I am using now. I am cuttin g with a circle cutter at diameters up to 3 inch and will change over to a regular 1 hp electric motor if I can find the right tools. Thanks for any help offered. Randy
From: Ron Brown Date: 13 Jan 1999
Randy,I needed some specialty cutters made late last year. My local sharpen it shop charged me to have a template made and then reshape the bits. The cost of both services was about $35. It will cost less than half to have more bits shaped to the same template. If anyone would like the shop’s name and number, E-mail me. am in the DFW Texas area.
From: David Fisk Date: 13 Jan 1999
Randy, Ballew Saw & Tool, Inc. 1(800)288-7483 might, I know they cut custom shaper blades. If they don't they might know who does since they sell bits and blades from many differant sources. The guys at Diamond tooling have been very helpfull for me, they might be able to help you find someone who does custom carbide. They make custom diamond bits. 1-800-331-9563.