View Full Version : Bosch router

08-11-2001, 12:25 AM
anybody got the 2hp bosch that is quiet. 1617 model. my question is can this unit be run for prolonged periods without problems. say 1 hr at a time? thanks. also is it really quieter than the porter cable???

08-11-2001, 09:54 AM
Hammerhead, I've had my Bosch 1617EVS for over 2 years now. I run it for everything except large 'hog out"cuts, or times when I am using the Bot as a panel saw to cut thick plywood.. I have run it for lengthy 3-D files which have gone into many hours, no problem.
As for comparing the two routers in terms of sound output, it's NO contest. I could have the Bosch on at it's lowest speed ( 8-25K infineately variable..)and carry on a regular conversation standing next to it. Even at 10,000 rpm the PC is a bear, and the discomfort ratio is proportionate when you start to bump the speed up on both of them. I usually do a comparison cut for people when they get to my shop, and most agree that for the majority of their work, the Bosch makes a lot more sense..I've also read here on the Forum that the Makita 2-1/4 sounds even quieter, you might look that up in the search feature as well.

08-11-2001, 10:02 AM
I have used the 1617 EVS exclusively prior to acquiring my shopbot, ending up owning three and it’s a great little router. They are quit (relatively speaking) and feature a “soft start”. However, there is a little slop in the spindle (Bosch uses bushings on this model as opposed to ball bearings) which would concern if I were to ever mount it on my shopbot.

12-18-2001, 02:38 AM
I've used a 1617 EVS for about 6 months. It was primarily used to drive a 1/32" bit for about 2 hrs at a time. I also used it to make light cuts with larger bits. The bearings began to make noise yesterday. The brushes seem fine (to me) but I am going to have to get it serviced. I use the shop-bot for hobby rather than professional work so I would estimate that the router has only about 200 hrs of use. I'm a little dissappointed.

12-18-2001, 05:58 PM

Consider yourself lucky. I purchased a Makita RF1101 router. Got about 100 hours out of it and then I got SMOKE! I think the speed control burned up. Anyways, got it serviced and it runs fine again, but I have gotten better service from my Bosch than my Makita.

All things being equal (they never are) I think that if you plan on making long runs, you cannot beat a big PC router. With those, you can choose your grade of bearings and from what I hear, you can change them yourself, though I have not had to yet. The only downside is that this router is a lot noisier than the Bosch or the Makita (which I think the Bosch is actually quieter than the Makita even though Makita claims the oposite).

Bruce Clark
bwclark@centurytel.net (mailto:bwclark@centurytel.net)

12-21-2001, 12:20 AM
hmmm.... makes me glad I went the spindle route. Surfaced my 8' x 12' table with the largest bit I had on hand (5/8"),
my water cooled spindle ran for approx 36 hours straight, didn't even get warm.

FWIW, I have an air cooled spindle and inverter left over and for sale

erie patsellis
Shelbyville Design & Signworks
Shelbyville, Illinois 62565