View Full Version : Information about PRT alpha 96

03-04-2005, 09:15 AM
i have some questions about the abilitys of alpha96
1.is it possible to cut 25mm melamine in a singlepass? is the cut clear?
2.can i cut melamine in diffrend shapes (curved shapes)
3.how you hold down the piece you work ?


ron brown
03-04-2005, 10:00 AM

The ShopBot part has the power and accuracy to cut 25mm Melamine in any shape you might desire. It wil take a powerful spindle and a bit with a diameter at least 1/2 the thickness of the material you care to cut.

Holddown is a subject that cold take many pages. It can be done and most times can be done economically. Holding parts is subject to many factors.


03-04-2005, 03:56 PM
we routinely cut both 19mm and 25mm melamine (usually two sided) on an alpha machine. The machine handles this no problem with both 3/8" and 1/2" tooling, I prefer the 1/2" when possible. Our machine is equipped with a 5 hp spindle, not a router head.
We do all sorts of odd shapes. Hold down for us is achieved with a 15 hp vacuum blower pulling through an MDF spoilboard. We do our tool path programming and drawing on ArtCAM Insignia.
