View Full Version : Detailed "Carving"?

05-15-2006, 06:24 PM
All, I am looking to buy the 4x4 table. I craft very detailed displays out of HDU. Please see http://www.gorgetdesigns.com/regimental.php?cat=3. Do any of you see any problems with the shopbot being able to get to the detail levels I currently do by hand? Software will most likely be a BobArt/CAD application. Thanks.

05-15-2006, 09:11 PM
Maj Winslow,
After looking at your site I don't think you will have any trouble milling these with a bot. As a matter of fact you will be able to incorporate mor detail if you wish. The trick will be your choice of modelling software. I'm not familiar with Bobart but If the modelling can't be done well with it there is a simpler option for you. You obviously have a skill in handcarving. I would take your existing models and probe them or have them laser scanned. Then your ready to go.

I am interested in your finish techniques and materials on yor HDU. Stuff looks great.

Bill J

05-15-2006, 09:42 PM
Maj Winslow,

I do work of equivalent detail now in Trupan, Corian and hardwoods with no problems. Bit selection, spindle (or router) RPM setting, feed rates and sharp bits are the pieces of the puzzle that will allow you to get the detail you need. Since I got my 'bot, I haven't looked back. Every day I find more to do with it and my projects are getting more and more detailed. I'm not yet even approaching the capabilities of this machine.

I'm not familiar with BobArt but I can tell you that the different pieces of software I use are all very good and work great with the ShopBot. I use Rhino 3D (http://www.rhino3d.com) for 3D modeling and then generate the cut files with MillWizard (http://www.millwizard.com). I also use Vectric VCarve Wizard (http://www.vectric.com/) - FANTASTIC PROGRAM! and ArtCam Pro (http://www.artcam.com/) - Scary expensive but worth every penny. Occasinally I also use TurboCad Pro 11 (http://www.imsisoft.com) with the CAM add-on for more straight-forward mechanical type parts.

Good luck!