View Full Version : Source 4 router bits
I would like to know if anyone has a source for a 2 flute compressoin bit simular to onsrub 600 series or a dealer reasonable on the onsrud bits?
I have a hard time spending 68.00 for a single bit . What i am cutting is 3/4 plywood for cabinet boxes Thanks
Ryan Patterson
06-07-2006, 09:11 PM
I have used White side (4102), but the price is about the same. I have tried the cheap ones, and they are not worth the money saved. I was not able to cut as many sheets and the quality suffered
How do i find the whiteside router bits ?
I hear alot of botters saying they are quieter than other cutters ?
06-07-2006, 09:40 PM
I use a 1/4" compession bit from Carolina Specialty Tool in Icard, NC. They cost $19 and some change. I get an excellent edge and they'll cut out about 1 1/2 to 2 average kitchens. That's about 10 sheets of 3/4 ply, 7 sheets of 1/4 MDF for backs, and 5 sheets worth of 3/4 MDF doors. I'll try to remember to post the phone and part #'s. Kip
06-07-2006, 09:41 PM
Oh, Carolina Specialty Tool is also a distributor for Whiteside. Kip
Ryan Patterson
06-07-2006, 09:43 PM
Here is a link to Whiteside I have not noticed any sound difference between the Onsrud and White side.
06-07-2006, 10:11 PM
You can order online from they carry the full line of whiteside bits
You cannot order direct from whiteside (
06-07-2006, 10:48 PM
I use Bam tool bits I like them better than Onstrud. I never broke a Bam bit but have broken several Onstrud.
06-08-2006, 12:03 AM
If you are looking for Whiteside bits call Alan at He ships the day you order and also you can get additional discounts on 10 quanties of the same bits.
I have been buying them from him for some time and he always gets me the bit quickly.
06-08-2006, 12:26 PM
I get my Whiteside's from here:
This won't solve all of the bad tooling problems. But might help with some of it.
I've taken some of the cheaper tools that I've purchased to work and looked at them on our comparitors and tool anylizer and with some math found out that their geometry aren't quite the same or as aggressive as the better tooling.
Here is just one instant,
On a cheaper tool, I checked their primary relief (angle of cutting edge) and flute rake (radius inside the flute) are usually off from standard values and inconsistant from flute to flute.
Our stock tooling come with the standard 10 degree of releif and 10 degree of rake, and I've found on some of the cheaper tooling that this may only be 4 - 5 degrees causing the cutting edge to tear and rip the material instead of cutting.
Don't throw your junk or so called scrap tooling away as there are local cnc tool grinders in your area that can alter these to make them work for you. Let them know what your cutting and how that specific tool cut and they can probably make your junk tooling come back to life.
I know what your going through... When you purchase that tool you want it to work with no problems.
I'm not saying that all tools can be fixed, But I never throw any tooling away as it can be ground into other types of tooling.
Just like in every work place. If that guy running the machine isn't happy with his job then it shows in their work.
Just tossing out another perspective...
09-18-2006, 12:53 AM
Looking for a source for V Groove 45 degrees with a 1/2 shaft. I can find lots of 1/4 inch shaft bits not no luck on the 1/2 shaft bits.
09-18-2006, 09:36 AM
Jerry, I've had good luck with and they have 1/2" shank V bits...
I'm assuming you mean 45 degrees measured from the centerline of the bit. On the page linked to above they reference the angle as the total angle of both cutters which would make it 90 degrees.
09-18-2006, 12:11 PM
Hi Patrick,
Thanks for the info, but I am actually looking for a 45 degrees V-Groove bit or 22.5 degrees measured from the centerline. I have look at a lot of sites, but the only 45 degrees bits are 1/4 shaft.
Thanks again
09-21-2006, 10:55 AM
Check ( for replaceable V blade cutters. They make them now down to 60 degrees and out to 170 degrees. Best price is at (, not direct from Her-Saf
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