View Full Version : Looking for an onsrud bit that's not on their site

01-18-2006, 09:38 PM
Folks -

I am looking for an Onsrud bit PCL 4096408 aka S040964 and even tho' it's got their name on it, it doesn't show up when I do a part number search, or for that matter, do a search by series number.

The bit is tapered from about 1/8 at the tip to just under a 1/4" over about an inch and a half.

I've tried searches using tapered cutter, conical cuttter and varitions thereof, with no success.

I want to find a long bit with as fine a diameter as possible for lithophanes (we're getting ready to give it a go) and fine clearance work in stock up to 3/4" thick. Our current 1/8 bit only has 3/8 cutter length.

I'd sure appreciate any assistance or leads.


John Moorhead

01-18-2006, 10:34 PM
MSC (www.mscdirect.com (http://www.mscdirect.com)) sells a tapered .125"tip, .25"shank, 1.5"long cutting length!!!. Shopbot used to sell it too, they might know the part#, unless someone else can post it on here, (I'm not at my shop and don't have any invoices handy). It cost about $42 I think, plus shipping.
You do NOT want a long shank for lithophanes however. I try to use the SHORTEST bit that will get the job done when cutting anything.. It minimizes excessive vibration, and lessens the chance of snapping long bits off at the "shoulder"of the shank. You should never be doing lithos deeper than .5" and you can get the little "stubbies" which allow .75"of depth from places like MSC, or Mc Master-Carr. They will need a collet reducer to hold the shank on these bits as they are only .125" as well.

01-18-2006, 10:38 PM
John, I have a Onsrud tappered ballnose, 1/8 dia. 1/4" shank 3" OAL
Not sure of the part number without checking it but your right they are not listed in their catalog they are apparently a new bit coming to their line up (maybe available already)
The bit I have was supplied by Onsrud through my area rep for the Shopbot Camp I hosted last Sept.
Your might contract the Rep for your area he should be able to enlighten you.
I'll check that # when I go to the shop tomorrow.

01-19-2006, 12:34 AM

I just received a catalog in the mail today from Harvey Tool. They have a lot of miniature bits and end mills. The web site is http://www.harveytool.com/


01-19-2006, 07:10 AM
John, et al
I have been told that PCL 4096408, which is included in the ShopBot Router Bit Start-up kit, was made especially for ShopBot and does not appear in the Onsrud printed or on-line catalog. I don't know if ShopBot will sell them separately from the kit - but it is worth asking. Pete.

ron brown
01-19-2006, 07:45 AM
I got mine from conical tool - was a 3/8' shank tool for what I needed at the time.


01-19-2006, 12:37 PM
You can buy it directly from Shopbot seperately. I've got two on the way now. They were $48 each. Love that bit...

01-19-2006, 07:22 PM
John, MSC has the bit, their part number 03281219. This was three years ago when I bought one, around $50 with shipping to me. Hope this helps. James

Brady Watson
01-20-2006, 07:39 AM
Last I checked these bits were $35 ea from Oberg Brothers (http://www.obergbrothers.net/) when purchased in quantities of 5 or more. I know carbide has gone up a bit. For those of you who like ordering out of MSC, Oberg is cheaper when you buy multiples. Tell Andy I sent you.
