View Full Version : Help with PRS with Botrods controller

11-11-2007, 08:28 AM
Hi Guys -

I just picked up a used PRS96 with an Upgraded Botrods controller. Whe we bought it, the guy we got it from ran parts and cycled the router, so I know it runs. I seriously suspect that I have things plugged incorrectly.

Is there an order that the motors need to be plugged into the controller? He had nothing marked and he took it apart before I could get a good look at it. Also there is no wiring diagram, so I hope I have the right wires going to the right position. When manually move the X and Y to the proximity sensors, they light. When I open the Shopbot software, version 3.4 I get a window asking if I want to use the arrows to move the machine off of the proximity sensors. I click OK. It gives me the display to move with the arrow keys. I try to move the machine with the arrow keys. The coordinates change, but the machine does not move. When I issue a move command, again the display changes in the software, but nothing moves.

I have contacted the original owner and Dirk, but have not got a response, so I thought that I would consult the group.

Any idea where to start?

Thanks for your time,


11-11-2007, 10:08 AM
Dirk is the man when it comes to the Botrod controller. He designed it (and in my opinion he did an excellent job with the design). But, until he is able to respond, there are a few things that you can check.

- Verify that you have all of the required voltages. On terminals 1 and 2 of the Gecko stepper drivers, you should have a high DC voltage. Depending on the power supply that you're using, that voltage will be somewhere between 24V and 80V.

-Verify that each stepper driver's L.E.D. is lit. That shows that the stepper driver is NOT in shutdown mode.

-Verify that the Gecko stepper driver terminals 3,4,5, and 6 go to the stepper motor.

-Versify that terminals 8.9, and 10 go to the controller board. Also, verify that terminals 11 and 12 connect to a resistor.

I don't know what would have had to have been disconnected for transit. Normally, only the power cables going from the sub-panel to the controller box and the cables going from the controller to the computer would have had to be disconnected. All of the wiring inside the box and the wiring from the box to the various motors and sensors should have been left connected. Unfortunately, I don't have a schematic of your unit, so that's about all of the quick check stuff that I can recommend.

11-11-2007, 11:17 AM
Hi Guys -

Figured it out.... I has a bad AC cord for the motor power supply.