05-29-2006, 08:27 PM
post moved here by Forum Admin
I think its best I chime in here to clarify a few things about the Ascension 1000 and Mach3 offering that we (i.e.; Custom CNC) have as it compares to some of the other “PRT upgrade offerings” that have recently popped up. Hopefully with the following information at hand, Botters who are interested in upgrading their system will have a better understanding of what we are offering, and where we are headed.
This upgrade solution has been in design/test for almost two years now, and has gone through many iterations and more testing that one could ever imagine. I can assure you that this is not something that has been pieced together recently and minimally tested just to offer a “little something extra” for the PRT. Nor is it something built up from other standard “off the shelf” circuitry. It has been, from day 1, designed to function as a robust and full-featured stepper control system that is very flexible and expandable to meet the needs of your CNC operations. Please note: it is not just an upgrade that “fits in” somewhere between the PRT and the PRT-Alpha, and that somehow just happens to support the PR. It is a flexible upgrade solution that has the abilities to control a PR, a PRT, a PRT-Alpha, and much much more. Again, it is an extremely robust and powerful micro-stepper based controller system that has the ability to expand as your needs merit it. Please let me explain what I mean by this:
The “base hardware configuration” of the Ascension 1000 is targeted for those users who have a ‘standard’ configured router (i.e.; X1, X2, Y, Z) and will drive the stepper motors that have been offered on the PR, PRT or PRT-Alpha machine. In fact, it has the ability to easily drive stepper motors up to 1200 oz-in (this is roughly twice the size of the Oriental Alpha-Step motors). One of our PRT test-beds has 640 oz-in steppers running on it (approximately the same size as the Alpha-Step motors) for over a year now. We have had it running in excess of 35 inches per second, and clearly had much more room for more speed (but to what point?). We have since reconfigured that same test-bed for higher resolution than speed. As mentioned on our website, we will be offering larger stepper motors very soon. The Ascension 1000 also has built in support for a selectable range of voltages from 34v up to 68v. It too will operate any other stepper based machines you currently have or would like to purchase or if you decide to build your own. If you have the need for an additional stepper driver, this too can be added to drive a second Z-axis, a second Y-axis or an indexer (note the “2nd drive option” is currently under test). If you operate a CNC lathe or an indexer you can use the included Mach3 Turn software. We are also offering a Spindle Speed Controller card. Please note that this one probably differs from your current SSC card in that this one allows the user to place full control of the spindle head right at the Mach3 screen or in your cutfile. We also offer (standard) a relay controlled port to turn your 15A router On/Off via your cut file or from Mach3. If you use a 220v spindle head, this port can turn on/off your dust collection system or vacuum table, etc via an external relay.
The test results of what the Ascension 1000 can offer either a PR or PRT will be posted soon. Please note: when driving smaller amperage motors (such as those on the PR and PRT) you will gain notable speed, however the intent of this implementation is geared towards an increased number of step/direction pulses that go to the stepper motors themselves. This results in smoother cuts and greatly reduced vibrations from the motors (which also add to poor cuts).
There is also more to obtaining smoother cuts than simply adding an aftermarket stepper motor driver (ex: Gecko). If you are not utilizing a controller software that supports Constant Velocity (CV) mode, it’s difficult to compare the two. (note: CV is different than coordinated linear moves). In this scenario anyone using the Ascension 1000/Mach3 will automatically have the ability to now use the CV mode feature. For those of you wondering what CV mode is, it in a nutshell will give you smoother cuts as it performs an acceleration in the next axis move during the deceleration of the existing axis.
I feel compelled to now mention just some of the additional add-on features that will be coming out very soon on the Ascension 1000 (currently under test). First off is a remote hand-held pendant. This will allow the operator to get “up close” to their work or operate the tool from a remote distance. The pendant is very easy to use and allows the user to jog or move any axis, pause the routine being run, perform a Z-Zero routine and start a selected cut file. We also have another circuit board under test that allows an additional 13 user definable inputs along with functionality for a 6th stepper drive. What this means is a configuration that will support quadrature feedback from your stepper motors’ encoders. What this equates to is if you currently have a PR or PRT unit, we can supply you with stepper motors OR stepper motors with dual shaft/encoders, and the Mach3 software allows you to monitor your routers motors in the event of any lost steps (the amount is even user definable!). This functionality can be added to any or all of your systems axis’. In addition to the inputs being utilized for this, you have additional inputs for a multitude of other things such as an ATC (automatic tool changer), mister system, running pneumatic devices such as an air drill, limit and home switches, driving a PLC (programmable logic controller) to (example: drive a conveyer system to stage your next sheet of material), etc, etc, etc. All of this is easily configurable within the Mach3 software, and the Ascension 1000 controller has the physical connections placed that the back of the box for easy access and hookup – so there is no soldering or additional box wiring needed! This truly is a Plug-and-Play system.
I would also like to address the Mach3 software. I have heard back from several people that the screen “looks intimidating” or that “learning something new like G-Code makes me nervous”. Well believe me when I tell you that we too had those same initial reactions. But the truth of it is this software is incredibly user friendly and very easy to operate. In fact, you really don’t need to learn any G-Code at all. There are probably only two commands that you would want to know initially: those being G0 and G1 (jog and move respectively). And a full listing of all the supported codes are just a click away in Mach3. Within the first day of using the Mach3 controller software you will soon realize that there are a great many more features and abilities you will have over controlling your router than you have ever imagined. The Mach3 software is also extremely user definable. If you find that you would rather have your own “operating screen”, you can either develop your own with what YOU want to see, or you can download a free one, or you can pay someone to build one for you. This feature comes in nice for “locking out” certain controls from an operator (for those of you who hire operators to run your SB), you can easily add buttons to perform various tasks automatically, change the language on the buttons if you have non-english speaking operators, etc. One of the really nice features that you will notice right off is a real-time display of what you have to cut, and it’s progress! Also if you do hire operators to run your CNC routers, odds are that they will be more familiar with G-Code than any other language.
For those interested in updating or adding plasma cutting capabilities to your tool, we will also soon be offering and supporting the Ascension 2000 Torch Height Controller. It too is controlled via the Mach3 software, and it integrates beautifully.
We also feel the question of support needs to be addressed. Please note that we do not speak for ShopBot nor any of the others who have put together “hotrod” packages. It would seem logical that if an individual user put together their own controller box (be it boards, drives and power supplies or some one else’s put together version) that ShopBot would not be supporting this (they did not assemble it or supply all of the parts) so one should not anticipate they will support it. Just as you should not expect ShopBot to support the Ascension 1000/Mach3 setup. We however do see a difference here in that if you do go with the Ascension 1000/Mach3 upgrade solution in lieu of the others, you will be supported. We of course will ALWAYS support our hardware and the Mach software, but you also have a huge forum of the other Mach users to gain even more knowledge and additional support from.
Also worth mentioning is that Custom-CNC has MANY more features and enhancements that will be available in the future. These will be based upon the using the Ascension 1000 and Mach3 software. Also most of the abilities that the Ascension 1000 has have been based on input that came directly from other ShopBot users. If there is something that you would like to see incorporated into this upgrade solution, please let us know. We are listening. And remember, we are proud ShopBotters that are here to help out our fellow ShopBotters!
Please direct all inquires regarding the Ascension 1000/Mach3 directly to my e-mail
Regards, Alan
I think its best I chime in here to clarify a few things about the Ascension 1000 and Mach3 offering that we (i.e.; Custom CNC) have as it compares to some of the other “PRT upgrade offerings” that have recently popped up. Hopefully with the following information at hand, Botters who are interested in upgrading their system will have a better understanding of what we are offering, and where we are headed.
This upgrade solution has been in design/test for almost two years now, and has gone through many iterations and more testing that one could ever imagine. I can assure you that this is not something that has been pieced together recently and minimally tested just to offer a “little something extra” for the PRT. Nor is it something built up from other standard “off the shelf” circuitry. It has been, from day 1, designed to function as a robust and full-featured stepper control system that is very flexible and expandable to meet the needs of your CNC operations. Please note: it is not just an upgrade that “fits in” somewhere between the PRT and the PRT-Alpha, and that somehow just happens to support the PR. It is a flexible upgrade solution that has the abilities to control a PR, a PRT, a PRT-Alpha, and much much more. Again, it is an extremely robust and powerful micro-stepper based controller system that has the ability to expand as your needs merit it. Please let me explain what I mean by this:
The “base hardware configuration” of the Ascension 1000 is targeted for those users who have a ‘standard’ configured router (i.e.; X1, X2, Y, Z) and will drive the stepper motors that have been offered on the PR, PRT or PRT-Alpha machine. In fact, it has the ability to easily drive stepper motors up to 1200 oz-in (this is roughly twice the size of the Oriental Alpha-Step motors). One of our PRT test-beds has 640 oz-in steppers running on it (approximately the same size as the Alpha-Step motors) for over a year now. We have had it running in excess of 35 inches per second, and clearly had much more room for more speed (but to what point?). We have since reconfigured that same test-bed for higher resolution than speed. As mentioned on our website, we will be offering larger stepper motors very soon. The Ascension 1000 also has built in support for a selectable range of voltages from 34v up to 68v. It too will operate any other stepper based machines you currently have or would like to purchase or if you decide to build your own. If you have the need for an additional stepper driver, this too can be added to drive a second Z-axis, a second Y-axis or an indexer (note the “2nd drive option” is currently under test). If you operate a CNC lathe or an indexer you can use the included Mach3 Turn software. We are also offering a Spindle Speed Controller card. Please note that this one probably differs from your current SSC card in that this one allows the user to place full control of the spindle head right at the Mach3 screen or in your cutfile. We also offer (standard) a relay controlled port to turn your 15A router On/Off via your cut file or from Mach3. If you use a 220v spindle head, this port can turn on/off your dust collection system or vacuum table, etc via an external relay.
The test results of what the Ascension 1000 can offer either a PR or PRT will be posted soon. Please note: when driving smaller amperage motors (such as those on the PR and PRT) you will gain notable speed, however the intent of this implementation is geared towards an increased number of step/direction pulses that go to the stepper motors themselves. This results in smoother cuts and greatly reduced vibrations from the motors (which also add to poor cuts).
There is also more to obtaining smoother cuts than simply adding an aftermarket stepper motor driver (ex: Gecko). If you are not utilizing a controller software that supports Constant Velocity (CV) mode, it’s difficult to compare the two. (note: CV is different than coordinated linear moves). In this scenario anyone using the Ascension 1000/Mach3 will automatically have the ability to now use the CV mode feature. For those of you wondering what CV mode is, it in a nutshell will give you smoother cuts as it performs an acceleration in the next axis move during the deceleration of the existing axis.
I feel compelled to now mention just some of the additional add-on features that will be coming out very soon on the Ascension 1000 (currently under test). First off is a remote hand-held pendant. This will allow the operator to get “up close” to their work or operate the tool from a remote distance. The pendant is very easy to use and allows the user to jog or move any axis, pause the routine being run, perform a Z-Zero routine and start a selected cut file. We also have another circuit board under test that allows an additional 13 user definable inputs along with functionality for a 6th stepper drive. What this means is a configuration that will support quadrature feedback from your stepper motors’ encoders. What this equates to is if you currently have a PR or PRT unit, we can supply you with stepper motors OR stepper motors with dual shaft/encoders, and the Mach3 software allows you to monitor your routers motors in the event of any lost steps (the amount is even user definable!). This functionality can be added to any or all of your systems axis’. In addition to the inputs being utilized for this, you have additional inputs for a multitude of other things such as an ATC (automatic tool changer), mister system, running pneumatic devices such as an air drill, limit and home switches, driving a PLC (programmable logic controller) to (example: drive a conveyer system to stage your next sheet of material), etc, etc, etc. All of this is easily configurable within the Mach3 software, and the Ascension 1000 controller has the physical connections placed that the back of the box for easy access and hookup – so there is no soldering or additional box wiring needed! This truly is a Plug-and-Play system.
I would also like to address the Mach3 software. I have heard back from several people that the screen “looks intimidating” or that “learning something new like G-Code makes me nervous”. Well believe me when I tell you that we too had those same initial reactions. But the truth of it is this software is incredibly user friendly and very easy to operate. In fact, you really don’t need to learn any G-Code at all. There are probably only two commands that you would want to know initially: those being G0 and G1 (jog and move respectively). And a full listing of all the supported codes are just a click away in Mach3. Within the first day of using the Mach3 controller software you will soon realize that there are a great many more features and abilities you will have over controlling your router than you have ever imagined. The Mach3 software is also extremely user definable. If you find that you would rather have your own “operating screen”, you can either develop your own with what YOU want to see, or you can download a free one, or you can pay someone to build one for you. This feature comes in nice for “locking out” certain controls from an operator (for those of you who hire operators to run your SB), you can easily add buttons to perform various tasks automatically, change the language on the buttons if you have non-english speaking operators, etc. One of the really nice features that you will notice right off is a real-time display of what you have to cut, and it’s progress! Also if you do hire operators to run your CNC routers, odds are that they will be more familiar with G-Code than any other language.
For those interested in updating or adding plasma cutting capabilities to your tool, we will also soon be offering and supporting the Ascension 2000 Torch Height Controller. It too is controlled via the Mach3 software, and it integrates beautifully.
We also feel the question of support needs to be addressed. Please note that we do not speak for ShopBot nor any of the others who have put together “hotrod” packages. It would seem logical that if an individual user put together their own controller box (be it boards, drives and power supplies or some one else’s put together version) that ShopBot would not be supporting this (they did not assemble it or supply all of the parts) so one should not anticipate they will support it. Just as you should not expect ShopBot to support the Ascension 1000/Mach3 setup. We however do see a difference here in that if you do go with the Ascension 1000/Mach3 upgrade solution in lieu of the others, you will be supported. We of course will ALWAYS support our hardware and the Mach software, but you also have a huge forum of the other Mach users to gain even more knowledge and additional support from.
Also worth mentioning is that Custom-CNC has MANY more features and enhancements that will be available in the future. These will be based upon the using the Ascension 1000 and Mach3 software. Also most of the abilities that the Ascension 1000 has have been based on input that came directly from other ShopBot users. If there is something that you would like to see incorporated into this upgrade solution, please let us know. We are listening. And remember, we are proud ShopBotters that are here to help out our fellow ShopBotters!
Please direct all inquires regarding the Ascension 1000/Mach3 directly to my e-mail
Regards, Alan