View Full Version : Combining files

07-05-2005, 02:39 AM
If I have this in the wrong thread, my apologise
I wish to create a number of separate part files, all starting from there own 0,0 then write a .sbp file that will call these files, one by one, whilst moving the tool to the new x,y position.
I am sure I have read something about this here, but cant find it.

07-05-2005, 02:57 AM
Mike, I havn't done this myself, but basically you need a file which says this:

open and execute file a.sbp
move to x1,y1
zero x and y
open and execute file b.sbp
move to x2,y2 (relative to new 0,0)
zero x and y
open and execute file c.sbp
move to x3,y3 (relative to new 0,0)
zero x and y
open and execute file d.sbp

For each of the above lines there is the normal 2-letter code. Throw a string of codes into a file with Notepad, give it a .sbp name, and that's it. No?

07-05-2005, 03:36 AM
Thats what I do by 'hand' That is, I cut 1 file, MX and MY ZX and ZY then call the next file FP.
I just tried your idea.
The files cut without problem, but simulation didnt like me re-setting X zero.
I do know this works on the machine itself though.
I will try it when I get to the workshop.
message edited

07-05-2005, 08:04 AM

1) I don't generally like to move my X and Y zero point around...it's easier for me to keep track of the tool's position if X-Y zero stays in the home corner as much as possible. I would write the file so that it moves to the starting corner of each file (just like above) but then calls each file using the "2d offset" option instead of re-zeroing every time. Like this...

J2, x1, y1
FP, a.sbp,,,,,2
J2, x2, y2
FP, b.sbp,,,,,2

2) We've just been talking about creating a Virtual Tool that would automate the process you're talking about...let you more easily select the files and put together the "master" file that calls them. Anyone have suggestions for features/options?


Brady Watson
07-05-2005, 09:38 AM
That's a great idea, Bill. I think that it would be a welcomed addition when you want to take a series of prepared files (different geometries) and nest them on a sheet....actually the best virtual tool would be a REAL nesting tool where you could call up a SBP or DXF and nest it on the table/sheet...then print it out....while we're on the topic of suggestions...a 2D/3D 'skinned' toolpath preview would be spectacular...with print option!


07-05-2005, 09:39 AM
Do I call the file exactly as you have?
That is FP,filename.sbp,,,,, [5 commas]2
edited post Just tried it in simulation and it does exactly what I want.
Thanks Bill

07-05-2005, 03:21 PM
Guys, I have been using "master" files for several of my projects. I find it very efficient. It is also very handy and easier to maintain my part files separately. Using this method I also have inserted tool changes between cut files. Just insert a move to the tool change position, insert a pause, change tools, call z-zero, move to the start point, and call the next cut file.

07-05-2005, 04:10 PM
An elegant master that I got from Grant for repeating one file a while ago and have been using since:

INPUT "What file are we cutting?" &File



FP, &FILE,,,,,2

insert the necessary x and y positions and repetitions as necessary and when you run it and it asks enter the file you want to cut without the spb extension. You can enter a SO,1,0 if your control box runs your router and you want it to turn off in the line before END.
Bill: an all encompassing master would need an input variable for how many of how many different files as in: 4 repetitions of file for legs and 2 repetitions of file for arms 1 repetition of file for back and seat. Since it looks more like a nesting file if it truly were to nest for ultimate efficiency then it should be able to be restrained to allow for determined grain direction.