View Full Version : Stepper Motor Questions

Brady Watson
07-04-2004, 07:14 PM
Can anyone tell me the max RPM that the Vexta PRT stepper motors will turn on X and Y axes & what inch per second value that works out to be?

Do the X and Y motors have gear reductions on them like the Z axis does? (IE 3.6:1 and 7.2:1)

What torque rating do the PRT steppers have? If I remember correctly it is something like 305oz? Is that motor torque or multiplied torque from the gear reduction? (IE- Would a 7.2:1 gearbox with a 305oz stepper REALLY put out 7.2X 305 = 2196 oz?...Or are those in/lbs ratings?

I'm doing some experementation with gearing and need to know specs before I change anything out.


07-05-2004, 01:27 AM
Brady, our early PRT had 4 identical motors direct coupled to the pinion gears with no gearboxes. The PRT's are not all the same. (There was a major driver electronics change for the PRT as well).

You can get your Vexta spec sheets by following links from here (http://www.orientalmotor.com/products/stp/index.htm) and you will see that they can turn very fast, but produce hardly any torque at high speeds.

07-10-2004, 08:41 PM
Brady, what are you trying to accomplish with the gearing changes?

03-08-2005, 02:35 AM
has anybody out there converted 3 phase 220 volt to single phase 220 volt?If so can you explain the procedure, I have the PTR 96 w/ the alpha upgrade

03-08-2005, 08:27 AM
Their really is no conversion. On 3 phase you have 3 "Hot" legs , you also have a neutral and probably a ground. All you need to do is tap into any 2 of the "Hot" legs to get 220 single phase. If however you want 110v you need to be careful. for this you would tap into a 1 "Hot" leg and a neutral. Depending on your incoming service, some have what is called a "Wild" leg. This leg is wild only when tied to neutral. It can be identified by using a voltmeter, and you will burn anything needing 110v up if you use this leg as it can range up around 190v.

03-08-2005, 08:44 AM
I failed to mention that you need a qualified electrician to hook up your equipment. This is something you do not want to do yourself.