View Full Version : 3/8" solid carbide bullnose tool

02-03-2006, 09:30 AM
Does anyone know of a source for a solid carbide tool allowing cutting a blank to shape while at the same time applying a 3/8" bullnose? The material is 5/16" solid white ash. I was hoping to find solid carbide versus a tipped tool in order to minimize the kerf. The shape being cut will not require the ability to plunge cut.

If only I had a tool changer I'd cut them out with a straight tool followed by the bullnose tool. This job requires only a short toolpath per part, but their's 4000 parts.


Brady Watson
02-03-2006, 12:02 PM
I don't know of any solid carbide ones...only tipped ones, unless you get them cu$tom made.

Grizzly has a few interesting bits on page 453 of their 2006 catalog. You can get there from their website (http://www.grizzly.com)


02-03-2006, 12:40 PM
Contact Onsrud about their 40-50 series cutters. Should be just what you need. If the straight cut section is too long they will regrind to any length for you.
