View Full Version : Porclein

02-08-2006, 08:45 PM
Anyone cut lightly drill into and lighty engrave the top surface. Is it possible and for the bits? A request I'm getting

Brady Watson
02-09-2006, 12:06 AM
Yes, but not with a woodworking spindle or router.

I have a PowerCrafter (http://www.powercrafter.biz/) and it can drill & cut ANYTHING! It is essentially a dentil drill, so you may be able to find a bargain on Ebay to save money. You will need a compressor, auto-lubricator (in-line by tool) and you will have to fabricate a mount to your existing Z. The bits for these things are carbide and diamond and there is a vast variety of them available. Cutting is slow going since it doesn't have a lot of torque, but if you keep passes light, it is very doable.
