View Full Version : Help Cutting 2" - 3" EPS and Extruded foam

08-18-2008, 05:42 PM
Hey Folks
On Aug 8, Brian McKenzie and Grant Bailey finished up setting up my PRS Alpha 120-60-6, w/5HP Spindle, tool changer and 4 Fein Turbo III for vacuum hold-down. Good Job!

Shopbot PRS Alpha

5107 (27.6 k)
Shopbot PRS Alpha

5108 (29.6 k)
Shopbot PRS Alpha

5109 (28.9 k)

My question, we are going to be cutting out some numbers and letters 2 to 4 foot tall out of EPS and Extruded foam. The foam is 2” to 3” thick.

Any tips on what bits should we use?

Any tips on how this should be done?

I am very new to all this, Please be specific.

Thank You
John Maroney

08-18-2008, 06:00 PM
Photos in wrong format




08-18-2008, 11:44 PM
John, this topic has been covered in the past. Do a search and you will find lots of useful info. In short; prepare for a HUGE mess. Your 'bot, shop and personnel will be coated in jillions of tiny white beads. Wear safety GOGGLES and a mask. Good luck.