View Full Version : How to set a temperary home, and return to orginal home

11-03-2008, 12:46 PM
Hi all, yes a simple question using the Shopbot Controlling software 3.XX.
There are times I want to temperary set a new home starting point, in G-code it would be simply jogging where one want to set a temperay 0,0 and then use a (G92) command. Ok, I think I figure this part out, but how does one return to the original home position?


11-03-2008, 01:50 PM
I'm still fairly new at it but I know of two possible ways.
1. Jog to the location where you want start your cut. Start your part file and when the Fill-in Sheet for [FP] Command comes up pick option 2 in the Offset in 2D or 3D drop down menu. Your original home position is still 0,0 so you can return to it when you are done cutting.

That might not be the answer you want so here's another option. I use this when I am setting the 0,0 on my table.

2. Zero your X and Y using the C3 command. This uses the Prox Switches to set the location and is not likely where you want your 0,0. When the C3 command is finished move to your desired X and Y home position using your arrow keys. Write down the new location of your X and Y. NOW YOU SHOULD SET YOUR X AND Y TO ZERO. Sorry for yelling. I often forget to do that step and I pay for it. Now you can set your 0,0 anywhere you want and return to the original by using the C3 command and then moving your X and Y to the location that you wrote down. I have written a custom routine for this because I use it every day and assigned it to custom number C8.

My custom offset routine is really simple and looks like this:

'Offset 0,0 home position after C3 routine.

M2 0.089, -0.611

I'm sure there are more elegant ways to do this but this gets the job done.
Custom number C8 comes already assigned to an air drill routine. I don't have an air drill so I renamed the air drill file (just in case I do get one) and used C8 for for 0,0 offset routine.
I hope this helps.


Gary Campbell
11-03-2008, 02:44 PM

Try this:


INPUT "ENTER NEW X,Y COORDINATES (with comma)" &new_X, &new_Y
J2, &new_X,&new_Y

J2, 0-&new_X, 0-&new_Y

You will have to save it as a "Custom#.sbc" or as any filename that is called up by a custom cut file. You will also have to use the return mode before the SB3 software is shut down to access the "new" variables.

11-04-2008, 09:48 AM
Also you can read the manual about running part files from within a part file. If you move to an XY position from the "parent" sbp file, the "child" file uses that position as 0,0 for its run, then returns to the original coordinate system when control is returned to the parent context.

One of those many wonderful features that makes me proud to own a shopbot!


11-04-2008, 11:08 AM
By coincidence, I was just writing a sample file for a fellow shopbotter that uses the "parent", "child" files that Dana refered to.

For 2D cutting my code would be something like this:

' start up
JZ, 1
' 1st file
J2, 0,0
FP, CHILD_1.SBP,,,,,2
' 2nd file
FP, CHILD_2.SBP,,,,,2
' 3rd file
FP, CHILD_2.SBP,,,,,2
' end sequence
JZ, 1.0

11-04-2008, 12:35 PM
First of all, thanks to all that contributed to my question.... Now, I am trying to keep it simple, if one jogs to a new location and then Zero's X and Y axis, isn't this a temperary Zero? I already "set" my permanent X & Y prior to this, so the software should have a "Return to Home" command when one is done with the X,Y temperary 0,0 home start position........right? Note: this would be done in the controller software, not as an added command within a program file.......

11-04-2008, 04:06 PM

You need to think like a computer. When you zero the X and Y axes, you are setting the home position unless the programmer made provisions for a temporary home position.

Inside the master program are variables. When those variables are changed and written to disk, they become the starting point the next time the program is run.

In other words, NO, there is no difference between a temporary zero point and the absolute zero point unless the program has made provisions for both a temporary and a permanent zero point. A "return to home' command would return to the last point entered as the zero point.

Gary Campbell
11-04-2008, 05:37 PM
You could start at your "home" location and zero the X,Y and TABLE coordinates, you could always return to Table 0,0 as home, but will still have to rezero as Mike says above. Computers dont think like we wish they did. They just do what we instruct them.

11-05-2008, 12:11 AM

As you stated, to keep it simple, If you have homed your machine with C3 you now have your "Table Base Coordinates" set, then you move to a new location that you want to be your new temporary 0,0 and do a Z2. When you're done working there and want to go back to your table base home, do a ST and answer "OK" to the dialog that pops up. Your coordinate system will be set back to the table base and you can then JH (jog home).

I've always looked at the "Offset 2D" option in the fill-in sheet as a one time or once in a while kind of thing when needed because if I'm doing something in that position more than a couple of times, I find that it's easy to forget to set it to "Offset 2D".

I also use a custom cut file (C9) to set or go to up to four different work locations or go back to the table base. Handy if you have more than one fixture mounted on the table as I often do.

Here's the files if anyone would like to try it.

Work Offsets

5135 (2.5 k)