View Full Version : Cutting Capability

10-15-2000, 08:06 PM
I just demo'd my old SB to a guy who will be cutting 3/4" soft Maple, some Hard maple and oak too. Now, I used a 3/8" HSS bit and a 1/2" Carbide bit for this one-time demo cut. He has a pin router and was "amazed" that my PC 3.25 router cutit in one pass ! I couldn't account for the "Divergent" experiences. Does anyone want to pass on some PRODUCTION types of experiences or "for instances" or rules-of-thumb regarding using an SB 8 hrs a day to cut similar materials ? Feeds, Speeds and Bit choices would be usefull too.

10-05-2001, 11:41 AM
I would like to buy an PRT, but first of all I would like to know if that machine can cut, drill and engrave soft metals. If is anyone can help me with some information please send me at address (if you have photos is more than better):
gabi.diana@xnet.ro (mailto:gabi.diana@xnet.ro)

Many thanks