View Full Version : RADIUS HELP NEEDED

01-27-2009, 08:46 PM
In part works I made a circle with a 87.75" radius. Offset inwards 3.5" for the inner circle.
Through node editing I cut the circle into an arch to fit a 4' x 8' plywood.
I need to put an angle of 45 degrees from the outer radius to the inner. I used draw polyline but cannot get the line to end exactly where I need. The parts are going to be laid together to make the circle when done.
Also when I toolpath I have to cut the outer of one radius and the inner to get the full 3.5" width. Why does it cut the inside of the smaller radius when I select outside? I hopE this is clear enough to get some help.
As always thanks in advance.

01-27-2009, 09:04 PM

As far as getting the end of the polyline where you need it, try this: Select the line and go into node edit. Right click on the end node, select properties and enter the exact coordinates you need.


01-27-2009, 10:00 PM
David: Try putting your "angle" line (scarf?) in before you separate the parts of your doughnut.
If you join the angle line to the arc parts after cutting at the intersections you can have two closed vector shapes that you can than cut using outside profile strategy.

This worked fine in the old partwizard and I imagine it is pretty much the same in partworks.

01-27-2009, 10:11 PM
Is there a way to insure the line only goes from the end of the outer radius to the inner at a 45 deg angle? I cannot find the exact location. I tried to node edit but I cannot get it exact.

01-27-2009, 11:47 PM
Hit F4 for Snap options. Select Span Endpoints. In node edit mode, click and hold the left mouse button on one of the line endpoints, when you drag it close to the arc endpoint it will snap to the endpoint. (Or just use snapping to create the line from the arc endpoint in the first place.)

To ensure the line is at 45 degrees, click to set the first point, then in the fill-in box on the left enter the Angle (45 or 135) and the Length (3.5), then hit enter.

With geometry snapping on you can also snap the line to the "corners" of the circle, i.e. the points representing 90 and 45 degree lines from the circle's center.

01-28-2009, 08:16 PM
Thanks guys,,,,parts came out perfect You all made me look good.
