View Full Version : BAMBOO
04-07-2009, 11:04 PM
I am looking for any pointers cutting 6"x12" rectangles out of 1/4" bamoo sheets.
I have never even seen it never mind cut it.
Thanks for any input. (I have an alpha)
Gary Campbell
04-07-2009, 11:34 PM
We have had decent results with compression bits, and good results with O flutes, face down. Watch for chips on sharp outside corners. 3-4 ips 10-12K with a .25 bit. Dont slow down too much as it sometimes wants to burn.
04-08-2009, 01:21 AM
Single flute Super O is the way to go. I have great luck with "PlyBoo" at 4.5 ips.
04-08-2009, 02:43 AM
the tricks with bamboo is depending on what type you can get a lot of bit flex and get flat spots on cuts like circles. so a cleanup pass is good. I have used downcut bits and I don't get any splintering at all.
I cut a 3/4" piece of bamboo ply in one pass at 1ips and ended up with flats all the way around it.
the stuff sure stinks even just sitting around.
vcarving it will cause it to warp too. cut into the surface and look out you better have it nailed down.
Gary Campbell
04-08-2009, 08:47 AM
Looks like everyone here is on the same page as far as bits go. I will throw in that I just tried an O flute from Centurion tools... give them a look if you want to save a few $ over the Onsrud/Belin prices.
You will have to develop a toolpath strategy based around your hold down capability, rather than bit or material. Even tho you could easily cut the 1/4" material in a single pass at 4ips with your Alpha, it will be difficult to hold vacuum on 6 by 12 parts when cutting a sheet full of them.
Use a 2 pass method with an onion skin, similar to what is built in to CPPro. Lay out your parts and group them according to your vacuum zones. As you finish the thru cut on the pieces in a zone, close the vacuum to that zone. If you dont have the ability to close off a zone with valves, lay a 1/4 sheet of mica over the area.
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