View Full Version : How do you zero your indexer?

09-07-2005, 11:27 PM
What is your preferred way to move and zero your X, Y, and Z to zero on the indexer?

We have a PRT Alpha 48 with an indexer mounted parallel to the Y axis. It sits on a shelf off the far end (X) of the table and a few inches below the table top.

By trial and error I know that if I zero the ShopBot with the S_home.spb file I can then move the X axis to about 45.6" to be over the center of the indexer. If I move Y to about 6.5" that will be about as close to the indexer head as I dare work. Finding the Z zero has been a pain. Basically trial and error shows it to be about 0.75" above my table surface (until I level it again).

Is there a better way to help the indexer find home?

Ryan Patterson
09-08-2005, 12:29 AM
When I set up my indexer I used input #1. Attach a wire to input #1 or to your zero plate make sure the indexer is not grounded. Then home the tool on your proxy switches. Then set up a file to move x to stop on input one. Line up the Y and Z so that when the tool moves in the x the bit will hit the indexers chuck. When the bit makes contact with the chuck you will know how far you are from proxy switch to edge of indexers chuck. Then you can setup a custom cut file that will zero X , Y and Z on the indexer based on the distance from proxy switches.
to stop on input file file will look somthing likes this:
ON INP(1,1) goto stop

