View Full Version : ShopBot Parts File Visualizer

03-04-2007, 07:08 PM

I am looking for victims--I mean beta testers-- to give me some feedback on a new virtual tool that I am working on for the ShopBot controller.

If you have a folder full of ShopBot files (SBP) and the names no longer mean anything to you or you don't want to have to open every file in the ShopBot controller to "preview" what that files looks like, then I have a tool for you!

The ShopBot Part File Visualizer allows you to select a directory of ShopBot files and it will let you preview them rapidly. When you find the one you are looking for, just press the "Open in ShopBot Controller" button and viola, your file is opened in the ShopBot controller.

I am including a screen shot of the program. I hope to get some feedback to see if works on other systems and areas of improvement.

If you are interested in being a software victim--opps I mean a beta tester--then drop me an email at: bwclark (at) centurytel (dot) net.


03-04-2007, 08:09 PM
I forgot to add this:

Since this tool is a "Virtual Tool" for the Controller, here is how to _ADD_ it to the virtual tool list.

Locate the file called "VirtualTools.ini". It is usually located here:
C:\Program Files\ShopBot\Virtual Tools\VirtualTools.ini

Open this with Notepad and add this line to the very end of the file:

VT = SBP [&V]isualizer, Virtual Tools\SBPPreView.EXE,0,0

Save the INI file and close Notepad. Copy the SBPPREVIEW.EXE file to the Virtual Tools folder.

Now, when you run the ShopBot controller, you can open files by visually looking at them by pressing "T" and "V".

The program will remember the last folder opened between runs.


03-25-2007, 03:38 AM
Bruce!! I need a copy of that!

Heh, I have SBP fils everywhere now. My desktop is full of dxf's folders of dxf's, SBP's. Folders in folders its a mess on 3 computers that would be handy for viewing at least my shopbot files and organising them

03-27-2007, 09:47 AM
This is a neat little program. Very handy, and if you need a bigger view, it links to the shopbot viewer. Most of the time though, I just need to make sure I'm looking at the right file.

Thanks Bruce!

03-28-2007, 02:14 AM

Glad it is working for you.

Just to let you all know, there should be a new version with a larger preview window and a new requested feature. Hopefully, something will be ready by early next week.


11-10-2007, 11:01 PM
Bruce, Is this application still available. I have picked up an old PR shopbot with quite a few files, but no way to tell what they are. Thanks

11-17-2007, 02:03 PM
Mr. Naylor,

Well time has surely gotten away from me. Yes, there was suppose to be an update, but as things have worked out, I have not had time to "get her done".

There is an early version that I am willing to give out, so just drop me an email.


04-02-2008, 03:31 PM

I used your SBP File Visualizer Alpha.5 today to find a deeply buried file from a couple of years ago. It is great! I often forget to use it, but when I remember, it is invaluable. I want to thank you again for creating it.


08-07-2008, 01:13 AM

If you still have this file in beta, would love to try it.

Send to images@digicomimaging.com (mailto:images@digicomimaging.com)


08-07-2008, 03:45 PM
If you like


it's free and has a visualizer (File - Quick View) in it as well.

06-29-2009, 12:38 AM
I'm having problems with Visual Edit with Vista 64bit-

It's a great program! Any help?


02-22-2010, 08:30 AM
Does anyone still have this program?

I need it really really bad, since VisEdit keeps on crashing everytime I try to open a SBP file.
