View Full Version : Anybody know about a perske spindle
Can ShopBot comment on the Perske or Columbo spindles?
11-29-2000, 07:02 PM
I am interested in more info on the Columbo spindle. Cost, weight, 3 phase? etc
Post back to the board
Dave Nadeau, ShopBot
11-30-2000, 05:36 PM
We are looking into offering spindles on ShopBots in the future, and we are aware of several customers running spindles on their tools. Perhaps those customers could comment here on their experiences with spindle noise levels, power, and reliability.
12-01-2000, 02:52 AM
I got 1 and it is got to be 1 of the best on the market, but it will cost you a few bucks.
12-01-2000, 12:51 PM
Where is a good place to get a columbo spinde from?
conor haugh
12-02-2000, 03:16 AM
While we await delivey of our shopbot in February
we have have been searching for the most apppropriate router or spindle for our application
i.e cutting shapes out of 18 and 25mm mfc panels.
The Porter cable seems to be a very popular choice amongst shopbot users and is also reasonably priced.Moving up to a spindle like the 5hp colombo is there a significant improvement in cutting performance.
Conor Haugh
12-02-2000, 02:05 PM
For general cutting, the Porter Cable is a better deal. There is no difference in the final cut product. The Columbo is controllable from 0 to 21,000 rpm which is handy for drilling holes, is quiter at lower rpm's, and will last longer but you can buy a lot of PC 3.25's for the same price. The Columbo also requires three phase power. I got mine through a "special deal" otherwise I would have stuck with the PC.
Gerald D
12-02-2000, 02:29 PM
Is the Porter Cable available for 220V (maybe 230V) supply? Conor lives in Europe where the supply voltage is double that of the USA - will he need a step-down transformer?
01-18-2001, 05:01 PM
Can someone give some costs and distributors for spindle motors. I've checked the one website mentioned for Perske.
03-09-2003, 09:07 PM
I'm looking for a new Perske 7hp spindle motor for my gerber 404 Sabre router t vac system.
Anybody know of dealers, prices, etc.?
Ken Tubman
Bell Signs
Napa, CA
PS I got a Gerber Dimension 200E for sale with vac table and engraving head option. Call for price 707-255-1814
I talked with some spindle rebuilders at the IWF show in Atlanta and they said that the Perske spindle is basically a disposable type spindle and that it can't, or not easily, be rebuilt.
Just my two cents.
Gregory (Unregistered Guest)
07-12-2004, 02:34 PM
I've had Perske spindles rebuilt many,
many times.........
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