View Full Version : Probe operations interuptus

04-17-2008, 06:40 PM
I have been attempting to probe an object every night, trying different things with the same results - except once.

Let me back up and say I have a fairly new PRS Std BT32 and I use a Fein III to hold down the object, and this was the first week I have been using my probe - which is new as well.

The very first time I ran the probe routine I was using 3.4.3 (I believe, or whatever it came with last fall). I ran it with pretty low resolution: 0.1" in both X & Y over a roughly 12" x 16" object and it took about 3 hours. It wasn't bad, but I though the resolution could be improved. I called ShopBot for a little advice and was told to keep practicing using different settings to get a feel for it and to upgrade to 3.5.8. Pretty good advice.

I increased the resolution by 1 order of magnitude to 0.0333" in both the X & Y axes with an estimated time of 30 hours to complete based on partial completion estimates. However, the probe now runs around 6 - 8 hours before it stops. The first computer I used was an older Dell running Windows XP, it has no internet connection whatsoever and I disabled all SpyBot software, any hibernation affiliations, etc. - still same results - I thought maybe bad Power Supply ?

I then tried my 3 year old Dell Latitude lap top, and went through and disabled everything. Same results.

I have developed a whole lot of .dmp files but don't know what to make of them.

Suggestions ?


04-18-2008, 12:46 AM

"I have been attempting to probe an object every night......I use a Fein III to hold down the object"

I would only suggest that if you are setting something up to probe at night where you're not there, you might want to eliminate the fein and mechanically hold it down if possible. One botter had a fire with his new bot from a faulty shopvac.