06-25-2004, 05:54 PM
Dumb question of the day; I am, on 3rd thought, as I find my newly re-set-up cable drive PR 96 bot offsetting its zero after only very minor exercise, considering a quick and dirty R&P self-upgrade - the cable drive goes 0.75 inches for one full turn of the motor, so a no-gearbox direct swap of a 20 pitch 15 tooth gear or a 16 pitch 12 tooth gear should be exactly equivalent for smallest step size and power. I still think a whole new machine is the eventual upgrade path when serious money comes into it, and I'm not looking for more power or speed, beyond whatever speed I can get by slapping in a higher voltage supply I already have in hand, but have not hooked up.
However, I note while shopping around that, if I was willing to go through the agony of joining two Acme threaded rods to make the X drives (max I can find is 6 ft) the materials for an Acme threaded rod drive are far less expensive than for a rack and pinion drive - in particular the rod is far cheaper than the rack.
Has anyone done this, or does anyone have thoughts on problems with it other than the problem of accurately joining two sections of threaded rod end to end?
However, I note while shopping around that, if I was willing to go through the agony of joining two Acme threaded rods to make the X drives (max I can find is 6 ft) the materials for an Acme threaded rod drive are far less expensive than for a rack and pinion drive - in particular the rod is far cheaper than the rack.
Has anyone done this, or does anyone have thoughts on problems with it other than the problem of accurately joining two sections of threaded rod end to end?