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03-31-1999, 05:19 PM
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From: Ron Brown Date: 09 Jan 1999
I have been in the process of writing an article on vacuum clamping. Today, I happened upon: This covers a lot of territory of vacuum holddowns and, covers it fairly well. The use of shop vac type systems are not covered. They are great for sheet ply and other large objects. They also can be build with your time and a $20 vacuum motor.
06-23-1999, 01:03 AM
We have added three separate vacuum tables to our machine. All are operated with 1hp shop vac motors ($25). We have no problem with materials moving unless we fail to seal the entire table. If you are interested in details, you can e-mail me at: (
Sean Martin
Donek Snowboards Inc.
06-23-1999, 05:41 PM
I had a few inquiries, so rather than trying to regurgitate the same info over and over, I put up a little web page with some photos and instructions. I hope it works for you.
just go to:
Sean Martin
Donek Snowboards Inc. (
08-20-2002, 11:09 AM
Does anyone have a source or at least know the official name of those spring loaded ball valves used in vacuum hold down systems? The ones that are positioned in the middle of the vacuum hold down area and stay closed untill the work piece presses down on the ball.
08-20-2002, 11:59 AM
The only ones I've been able to find are part of the flip-pod product of Carter Products:
Flip-Pod (
I don't remember the price but I decided they cost way too much.
Does anyone know were I can get some 1/4 inch rubber gasket material that has the profile of the letter D and without any adhesive on it? I need it for my vacuum table.
03-18-2003, 07:40 PM
Great web site for Router Table Gasketing and MORE!
03-18-2003, 09:23 PM
Vacuum jig holding four styles for mortise and paneling groove. $15 vacuum motor on left, "Home Depot" gasket material (the real stuff is better and cheaper) 2.5" X 20" holding area
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