View Full Version : Quieter router...any ideas?

01-04-2000, 10:32 PM
Anybody have a suggestion for a quieter router?
I just moved my ShopBot to another "shop" (my
garage actually) and I am now worried about the
noise level. I am currently using a 1.5 HP Porter
Cable router and am wondering if anybody has used/
heard of a less noisey router. I know that Bosch
has a "wisper" line (or something to that effect)
but have not heard if these are a)quiter than my
P-C and b) are any better built (I have heard that
the Bosch routers are not as good as the rest of
the Bosch tool line).

Any other suggestions?

Bruce Clark
bwclark@centuryinter.net (mailto:bwclark@centuryinter.net)

01-05-2000, 07:29 AM

I've been thinking about noise for some time as I tend to run long jobs on my tool and get tired of listening to the router (even with earplugs). I have heard of some foam products that you can use for noise absorbtion, but were useasy about putting the router in a foam lined box for heat/ventilation reasons. Anybody got another idea?

01-05-2000, 01:06 PM
A few years ago a USA company manufactured some special routting machine that employed BALDOR/USA 3&5 HP/3600RPM motors that were fitted with a gear/belt box that developed something like 10K/12K rpm's, the unit was quite compact. They claimed to be very quiet but, due to construction, more heavy than a typical commercial router of similar characteristics. I have been after this product but, from here, Chile, it is somewhat difficult to get in touch with them (Baldor). If you can, I'll be in line for one or more units. I can dig out from my files some more imformation that I will gladly send to anybody interested in searching for this, or another similar, item.

01-05-2000, 02:21 PM
I purchased a Roto Zip tool for my Shop Bot. It runs at a higher RPM rate, so the decibel output range is different than a Router and I find it much easier on the ears. With the higher RPM output and specialized bits it can do some amazing things in cement, marble and ceramic tile. I have an adaptor which allows me to use Drummel and router bits also. Its light wt is also an added bonus. Hoping all the Shop Botters have a great cutting New Year from all of us at Jet!!! Look for an upcoming instruction and informational section for new Shopbotters on our site. Through our business and personal contact with other Shopbotters we have found that Botters fall into 3 business profiles --The professional business, the home business, and the hobbiest and crafter business. Our assistance will be for the last two and will cover techniques to get the most from your Shop Bot, easy and fun products and maketing plans and targets. Our experience has been that it takes a lengthy and costly time frame to learn the basics of the Shop Bot and all that it is capable of doing and in the process some become discouraged and frustrated. We hope to shorten that breaking in and learning time frame. We do not claim to have all the answers and are attempting to do this in addition to our regular busy schedule so please be patient ---help is on the way.

Paul Amos
01-05-2000, 04:04 PM
Diary of a Virgin Shopboter

I am about to purchase my shopbot but have been an avid Forum reader for some time, there are two topics that I would like to contribute my thoughts on.

Quite routers and tool changers (See Jacobs chuck)

The quietest routers are the High frequency type such as “Perske” these are pure
industrial standard and are driven by a HF inverter, their good points are.

1. Very quite

2. Small

3. High power 5.5 & 7hp and much smaller than a Porter Cable

4. Will run all day long

5. Automatic chuck

6. Variable speed up to 21K

Bad points

1. Expensive. Here in the UK they start at around £3000.00

I hope this is of interest

Paul Amos

01-05-2000, 06:00 PM
Guys I had the same problem with noise, in fact I got "kicked out"of the garage due to neighbors complaining about my 3-1/4 porter cable as it hummed through 3,000 line files....SO I went out and tested a lot of routers ( I could do that since I was selling tools at the time.) and found the Bosch 2 HP variable speed model. Very light, and VERY quiet. it has held up well for six months so far, and the ability to stand next to the Bot and do things without that ever present roar has been great..I have cut signs with it, and surfaced my table top with a 1-1/4 "morticing bit on MDF, no problem..It does not have the "beef" that the PC does, and it is a poly/plastic housing which is a little lighter than the PC as well, but it's round body fits in the carraige easily, and I'm glad I made the move. I would still use my PC for "hogging"out work, or cutting very dense material, but for most everyday applications it easily has the guts of the PC 1-1/2...

01-05-2000, 06:40 PM
I use a PC 3-1/4 variable speed. When I'm doing lighter work like engraving or multiple passes, I turn the speed down. This makes life much more contemplative. The silence of a laser would be grand though. It might be blindingly silent though, and you can't round over an edge with one:-(

01-07-2000, 12:00 AM
I've also got the PorterCable variable speed 3.25. It's okay, but it doesn't come close to a Perske. A 3.0 hp runs around 4,000 Canadian which this week is what, about 30 bucks US?

01-13-2000, 09:35 PM

Do you have a model number for that Bosch router? I don't seem to find anything but the magnesium housing version for sale these days. Do you think it would be as quiet as the plastic housing?


01-14-2000, 11:27 AM
Jim the model number for the Bosch is the 1617EVS. It IS one of the "magnesium"models but most of the magnesium is on the base, which we don't use...The upper housing is the poly/plastic I mentioned..
If you can find a hardware store ( I know, getting tough to do with the "big orange"down the highway...)go check one out, and turn it on. It is ; 2 HP, ,8,000-25,000 rpm, and 7.7 pounds WITH the base...It is very easy to live with....

01-17-2000, 09:20 AM
I bought a 5 hp Columbo spindle with spindle driven fan. It is quit noisy but I am changing the spindle fan to an electric one ($100). This will drop the db. to 80.


01-17-2000, 07:00 PM

Where did you get your spindle and how much was it? How fast can you cut with it?

01-18-2000, 12:25 PM
I see where Tool Crib has the 1617esvb on special for $179.99 A&I has it for $178

I've been shopping for a new router for my Table operation. The crappy old Sears 2hp router just wont hold my bits any more. The issue is the crappy colleting system cut into the end of the armature shaft. Bits climb right out of it.
I was thinking of getting another PC 3.25 that could be used as "spare" if the BOT mounted PC3.25 ever went south. But that Bosch is cheaper and probably "about right" for my table ops.

03-06-2000, 09:34 PM
Has anyone had any experience with a belt driven head - more like a vertical mill. I would think the spindle and motor would be salvagable from an old mill - then repackage it in a lighter case etc? Less noise than direct drive?

03-20-2000, 07:04 PM
I used a bosch on my sb for a while, but realised after a while that the collet bearings had play which showed up in material/product. Beware small plastic routers!

03-21-2000, 09:23 AM
OK here's the addendum to my 2nd router story

My 2.5 yr old PC7518 router was acting a little funny.
So I took it to a fixit shop as listed in the PC webpages.
No naming names but they did a crappy job and only replaced the brushes.
I had told em to look at the speed controller and the bearings in additoin to the brushes.
To be accurate , it does sound a bit better, BUT ...
It ocassionally will just "STOP" depending on load.

So I'm ordering another PC7518 because the 1st one "owes me nothing" and worked well for 2.5 yrs.
On receipt I'll send the old one off for "refurb" to a "hopefully" better fixit shop.

Noise issues aside, having two PC7518's will give me a backup capability and interchangeable collets.

B'sides, it's been a "good ole wagon", ever since I started Botting.

Don Chandler
03-21-2000, 10:59 PM
I just had one fixed at the PC repair station in Dallas. Good job and it was back in 2 days. mine would also stop and the speed would go up & down. Definate speed controller problem. Be real descriptive of the problem when you send it in.

03-22-2000, 08:11 AM
Thanks, Don !
I needed a "boost" since my first encounted was NOT as expected.

I expected too much, and they delivered too little.

PC7518's are pretty modularized and simple on the insides.
The only "biggys" would be if you wanted new bearings ( a press out job )
OR if you "toasted" your armature windings.

If the place in Indy delivers the new one on time, with no damage or hidden charges I'll let ya know. At $269 they're price was pleasently LOW!

03-22-2000, 05:50 PM
Well ...
I received my new PC7518 from Superior Dist in Indianapolis, IN.
I ordered it Monday morning and got it TODAY already !!!
All for the low price of $269.88 !!!
No case, just a shaped-foam packaged box with the
Router, base, 1/2" collet, booklet and wrenches.
Not a remanufactured item either !!!

So ... there ya go

10-26-2000, 11:41 AM
Can I use Dewalt 610 router single speed, for just cutting plastic and aluminum? What is the advantage of variable speed in making signs ?

10-26-2000, 05:31 PM
Single speed routers are usually set
way up there around 20 grand or more.
I would be worried about melting issues.

The 7518 can go down to 10k.

I routed some 1/4" thick plexi and found
lower speeds to reduce the melt-factor.

Nothing for production, just a custom Bird Cage
side wall with vents about 6 " long.

I will admit that Ear Pugs are a STAPLE in my shop :-(

10-27-2000, 04:33 PM
I was also concerned about the noise problem and a pilot friend told me about electronic headsets that listen for the noise and then export a noise exactly the opposite in wavelength that cancels everything out. They are apparently used by pilots to drown out the noise of aircraft engines. I bought a pair ($240.00) designed specifically for industrial environments rather than aircraft and they are great. Put the headphones on and the router is still a pain but push the button to turn the noise cancellation on, and the router becomes a whisper. A pricey but effective solution.