View Full Version : Remote Control
08-13-2000, 09:05 PM
Regarding the Remote Control option/Accessory
I may be incredably dense, but I'm used to having a "schematic" with Wire Colors relating to Ports numbers for my hookups.
The REMOTE.PDF file has all the detials of How-To and What-For.
Nicely done on the CD but ...
Which wire colors actually go to which ports ?
This is a terrific accessory.
I WILL HAVE the box and cable READY TO GO
by the time some one answers this post :-)
One other issue ...
I am using 3 ports already.
One for X zero switch
One for Y zero switch
One for Z depth detection.
I plan to place them all on a single port,
and rework the programs involved.
I'll just have to make sure that after detecting
X ... I back off, thus opening that switch
and then after detecting Y, back off again,
leaving the port open for Z depth detection.
That will leave enough port for the REMOTE.
Wha-Da-Ya Think ? is this DOable ?
08-14-2000, 10:08 AM
Here's how I wired the remote in the pdf file;
*) one end of the white wire connects to input 1 (marked p1.4 in the control box), and the other connects to one of the two outside connectors on the toggle switch
*) the orange wire connects to input 2 (marked p1.5 in the box) and to the other outside connector on the toggle switch. If the toggle switch works backwards from the way that you think it ought to, just reverse these two wires
*) the blue wire connects to input switch 3 (marked p1.6) and to the push button that selects the axis, the black one in the example.
*) the red wire connects to input 4 (marked p1.7) and to the red pushbutton. This acts as an emergency stop switch
*) the grey wire connects to the ground connector (marked gnd), and daisy-chains to each of the switches in the remote.
Someone from ShopBot will have to give you a definative answer to your second question about the programming, but my guess is that you'll need to use all the inputs for the remote. However, since all the switches in the remote are normally in the off position when they're not being used, the remote can be hooked up to input switches that already have something connected to them and it won't effect their operation.
Hope this helps clear things up; let me know if it doesn't.
08-14-2000, 11:21 AM
Thanks Bill,
I'm ready to hook it up NOW, but that'll have to wait until I get home from my "real job" at 4PM.
Actaully I'd figured out P1.7 becasue it "IS" the emergency switch but per the other manuals, but the others were gonna be kinda Hit-and-miss as far as guesssing the hookup.
I like to have things work the FIRST TIME, ya know ?
Now that you've explained that ...
P1.6 is the Axis toggle and that
P1.4 and P1.5 are the +- or movement ports, I'm all set :-)
Thanx again
08-14-2000, 06:54 PM
On second thought re my 1st posting ...
ALL of the axis zero switches can be
"in parallel" with the REMOTE since they will
( almost always ) be "off home" when doing
remote stuff anyway !!!
Conversly, when doing homing, the remote switches,
which are all momentary will be OFF,
will be "out-of-the-way" .
That means no changes to the homing programs either.
Way to go ShopBot !!!
08-15-2000, 12:11 AM
Well, I got it done !
And it works pretty darn good.
everything worked as predicted in previuos posts
If you havent put on an emergency stop switch yet
NOW is your chance and while your at it you get
the convenience of the REMOTE CONTROL to boot :-)
Thanks SB
11-02-2003, 01:02 AM
Hi all i want to make a homemade shopbot remote
does anyone have the info circuit diagrams any help out there...i cant find any info on the shopbot website...radioshack parts would be cool
has anyone made one and if so could i have a step by step..well anyways thanks in advance
11-02-2003, 11:05 AM
I sent you a email with a attached pdf. You will find every thing there . Thay work grate.
11-02-2003, 02:39 PM
If you would send me the same pdf I would appreciate it.
Thank you
11-03-2003, 01:35 PM
Would you please add me to your send to list on the remote control issue. Thanks
11-03-2003, 09:26 PM
I'd like the remote control PDF as well... I hope that I can give you all something as useful as the items you guys help out on.
I look forward to writing some programs.
Thanks, Jay
11-17-2004, 12:53 PM
Could you also send me the remote control PDF as well please. THANK YOU so very much for your time.
Thanks again, Jonathan Collins
11-17-2004, 12:56 PM
Could you also send me the remote control PDF as well please. THANK YOU so very much for your time.
Thanks again, JC
01-17-2005, 11:12 PM
Hey guys, I have a much better idea that cost less than the remote pendant.
Now days PC video game pads can be programed to mimick a keyboard.
I just bought a wireless gamepad tonight for 40 bucks. It works all over the shop and you can program it to do anything. Also, No wires to the control box. Its much better than a remote pendant!
Brady Watson
01-18-2005, 10:02 AM
Hey Daniel,
What wireless controller did you get? I was toying with the idea of using an iPac, but it isn't wireless.
01-18-2005, 02:17 PM
The brand is Saitek. It was the only one I could find locally. It was forty bucks at Circuit City.
It works Great. Now I can control everything, Its like having a wireless keyboard shaped like a playstation game pad.
01-19-2005, 03:20 AM
I picked up the Gyration Ultra keyboard mouse combo. It works beautifully. The keyboard is small & light & fits perfectly on my left forearm. It has a 30' range, so I can pause ops. from the finish room if I need to. It also has a mouse that can operate in the air via motion sensor, but I have yet to try it on the Bot (works fine with standard apps with some getting used to). Was $109 on sale, $119 regularly. oduct
Now if I could just get a remote monitor installed on some VR goggles to see the screen at all times...
01-20-2005, 10:14 AM
Be carefull with wireless devices. I had a wireless keyboard and mouse hooked up to my bot and it worked great till one day there was some interference and the keyboard didn't respond. Luckely I only lost a sheet of MDF before diving over and hitting the emergency stop button.
I have heard that Bluetooth works very well. It has a much stronger signal than the inexpensive wireless keyboards.
01-20-2005, 05:53 PM
I was interested in the gamepad you noted in your post....
I went to circuit city website and read customer reviews on this product and almost ALL had complaints about it losing connection after about 3 weeks....Just thought I'd warn you B4 something bad happens.
Dave I.
01-20-2005, 10:35 PM
Andrew and David,
Thanks for the warning. I keep the stop button close. I agree with you David, I think the quality of the remote might be a little shaky. I'm gonna try and find a wireless gamepad from Microsoft. It has made things quite easy though. I can control the bot, Load part files and change the music all with that gamepad. Its cool!
02-03-2005, 06:31 PM
Just wanted to update the reomte post I made.
David was correct. The Satiek Game Pad sucked. It constantly needed recalibration. However, I have now used a Logitec wirless controller for about two weeks now. It is definitly superior in quality. I think the biggist safety concern is addressed by not leaving the "sk, Set Keyboard Control" command screen open when the remote is set down. The Logitec controller is great!
Brady Watson
02-03-2005, 08:47 PM
Thanks for the feedback, Daniel! Glad to hear that the Logitech one actually works. What do you do, run a setup screen for the remote and bind the keys to it? Can you assign a combination of keys (IE CTRL + Arrow key) ?
02-04-2005, 12:24 PM
Hey Brady,
The game pad came with software that lets you assign keyboard strokes to the gamepad buttons, and yes you can assigin a game pad button to do a combination of key strokes. I control the mouse with one of the little joysticks, and I have the mouse buttons programed on there as well. Then I think I just have "page up, page down, and arrow keys" and a few other keys programed on there and I can do everything!
Brady Watson
02-05-2005, 11:02 AM
02-22-2005, 06:31 PM
I am ready to try that Logitech controller....Is everything still working OK with that one you have ?
Thanks, Dave I.
I would be interested in which model(s) of Logitech Controller(s) that people are using as a remote too. And any programming advice. thanks, Pete
03-04-2005, 02:38 AM
Well, this post gave me some inspiration to get one of those Logitech gamepads. My Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 arrived today, and after some fiddling around (the software would not load right until I downloaded the latest version from Logitech), I got it to work. Works Great! You go through and program which key strokes go with which button. I programmed one button for the "K" command, then others for 'right arrow key' to move the x carriage right etc. Once I got it all programed, I was moving that gantry all over the place. Went and got the wife, she just rolled her eyes at me - told me I was a geek. :-)
I'm not sure if I'm going to run into issues with interference or not. It is at 2.4Ghz, and I have a wireless G card in my Bot PC. As well as other cordless phones etc. So, interference might be an issue. We'll see, and we'll also keep the kill switch close.
Anyway, for your info, this is the link to the controller I bought.
Happy Botting!
03-04-2005, 11:47 PM
Sorry for the delayed response. I just caught the post. The controller still works great!
You have to calibrate it (Point&click with mouse) when you start your computer and it works great!
It is way superior to the other brand I purchased.
03-04-2005, 11:51 PM
Oh yeah,
I bought the same remote as Matt, Its great!
03-05-2005, 02:30 PM
Thanks for posting the link!
Good to hear that - I ordered one last night.
03-05-2005, 02:52 PM
I also ordered one last night.
Thanks for the update.
Dave I
If anyone has an issue with electrical interference, I have the same logitech game controller, however it has a long USB cord and it works great also. (I do not have electrical interference, I just bought the one that they had in the store when I was there).
03-10-2005, 05:43 PM
Maybe I really am as dumb as everybody tells me...
I can not get my Logitech controller to work.
I have installed the latest drivers and upgraded my DirectX. The documentation included with this item was pitiful at best.
Can anybody out there post a tutorial on exactly how to get this thing to work with my Shopbot?
The model in question is a Logitech Cordless Rumblepad hooked up to a Sony P4 with Windows XP.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
Brady Watson
03-10-2005, 07:13 PM
Although I don't have this setup yet...I believe that you need to program the keys on it using the software that they give you with it. (I'm sure that you know that)
The other thing that you need to do is press the K key to activate the keyboard and you *may* have to check the remote checkbox in order to use it.
03-10-2005, 07:29 PM
Thanks Brady, have tried all the above to no avail.
Thats why I'd like to read a step by step, to determine exactly where I've screwed up.
Brady Watson
03-10-2005, 08:57 PM
Well...I just bought one tonight
Hopefully I can get it hooked up & working in the morning. I'll let you know how I do.
Brady Watson
03-10-2005, 11:53 PM
I could not wait to hook it up and at least try it before fine tuning...
Here's what I found out...1st of all be SURE that the Keypad in SB3 is CLOSED while you are programming the Logitech controller. Leaving it open while doing this causes problems. Also, I have had better luck binding the arrow keys to the 4 buttons on the right than I did the D-pad on the left...for some strange reason I can only get 3 out of 4 axes to work on the D-pad.
No luck yet binding 2 keys together reliably, such as ctrl + arrow to jog...It worked intermittently...but not the way I want it to. The stop switch/SPACE works right away.
Still more testing to do...I am curious if anyone has successfully bound arrows & control together with this setup...if so, please chime in.
03-11-2005, 02:09 PM
The Logitech controller software creates different profiles for different games (ie, you can have the pad programed to do certain keystokes for one game, and different ones for another). You need to create a new profile for the ShopBot control software. That might be issue #1. I've gotten my best results when I start up the Logitech profile software, and on that screen is a button that says - "Play Shopbot". I hit that and it launches my control software.
Brady - I've gotten two keys to work - like FP for the file open command. Thats the only one I've done so far. I don't have the software loaded on the PC I'm on right now - but I will check it tonight.
03-11-2005, 07:23 PM
I hooked mine up today and couldn't get it to work..
Does it not work with DOS ?
Thanks, Dave
03-11-2005, 08:13 PM
That would be a Logitech tech support question. You've got to be able to run the profile creation software - which is a Windows based program, to create the profile of keystrokes for use with the control software.
I have not tried running the profile software under DOS.
Good Luck
Brady Watson
03-11-2005, 08:57 PM I don't believe that it will work with DOS. If you need a remote for DOS, you may have to go with a corded one. There are plans around here somewhere for a RadioShack parts remote.
OK...after a good hour of playing with the Logitech® Cordless Rumblepad™ 2 ( I bought from CompUSA last night ($40) I think that I finally have it dialed in. Basically the purpose of the remote for ME is to position the tool accurately when setting up new materials. Rarely do I use the logical 0,0 on my table as my Z2 point...and setting up material at the other end of the table (16' long) is a bear. I would recommend to most users that they NOT rely on this remote as a dependable way to issue an emergency stop, call up part files or any other task where you could potentially get hurt because of a miscommunication, malfunction or other anomoly.
OK...getting back to the good stuff...When you setup the remote software, you will find that some keys will let you assign keystrokes to and others will not. Specifically the 2 joysticks and the D-pad on the left can be troublesome.
Here's a breakdown of important things I found with this setup:
1. Be sure that the Keypad (yellow) in SB3 is CLOSED while programming keys.
2. Be sure to create a Shopbot profile that points to the SB3 executable (it will be called a game in this context)
3. Be sure to START SB3 from the Logitech Profiler...AND be SURE to leave the Profiler OPEN in the background (do NOT minimize). You can tuck it behind the SB3 window & it will be out of sight.
4. When programming the keys avoid binding 2 keys together such as <CTRL> + <ARROW> seems that SB3 does not like this and will either make the tool jog until IT decides when to stop or will result in a jerking movement.
Here's how I assigned my keys, basically exploiting as much of the Keypad functionality as I could:
So...If I am way down at the other end of the table I can select K to get into KB mode if I am not already in it...then use a combination of the assigned XYZ move buttons to go at move speed. By holding down the CTRL + the move buttons I can jog any axis, and by PRESSING the joysticks down I can move the machine in an upward diagonal direction as each slash is pointing in a positive direction. To move in a negative direction, I hold down the ALT assigned key and press either the \ or / on the joystick...If I press CTRL + ALT + \ or / I can jog diagonally.
Now...if you really want to get your XY dialed in, press the D button. This activates the 'Fixed' function of the SB keypad and will only move the tool in any direction a set distance. The value is set using the VD command in SB3, and changing the value for fixed movement. In my case, I find that .01" is nice for bumping the axes a little at a time.
If anyone wants to setup their gamepad the same way, copy the following (between ==== marks), paste into Notepad and save EXACTLY like this: [ "Whatevernameyouwannagiveit.wgp" ] be SURE to save with quotes or it will just save as a text file. Then go into the profiler and import the profile...and you *should* get the same button assignments as me.
Brand=Custom User Profile
App Path="","",7933780
14="Activate Keypad 'K'",+K2085,-K51365
8="CTRL + -X",-K32896,P98,+K285,P12,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P109,-K32896,P111,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P86,+K331,P24,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P111,-K32896,P109,-K32896,P111,-K32896,P69,-K65437,P17,-K65483,P24,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896,P110,-K32896
9="CTRL X+",+K285,+K331,-K65437,-K65483
15="FIXED Movement K option",+K2080,-K51360
0="Mouse Left Button",*B601
1="Mouse Middle Button",*B602
2="Mouse Right Button",*B603
13="Page DOWN",+K2385,-K51665
12="Page UP",+K2377,-K51657
0="New Axis",C8,C9
1="UpLeft \",,
[Device Special Options]
Device Count=1
[Device Number 1]
Device Model=28
Note that your results may vary...
03-12-2005, 12:03 PM
Brady, you said in your last post that you had set up the controller to have your machine move diagonally. I have tried to move my machine diagonally with just the "K" command using the arrow keys but when I am going in one direction (say x) and push the other arrow key (for y) the machine just stops.
03-12-2005, 12:26 PM
Check this post (
03-12-2005, 12:26 PM
Hey Wayne,
There's a posting with a screen shot of the points to click for diagonal moves here (
03-12-2005, 04:49 PM
Thanks Mike and Bill, thats some very handy information.
03-12-2005, 07:25 PM
Hey Guy's, I had sucess with programing the D Pad. Its been awhile, However I remember Creating four new names (in The D-Pad Program window), North, South, East, and West. Then I recorded a button stroke for each name. exp. Up Arrow for North. I then had to assign each one of these names to a direction on the D-Pad.
I also found it useful to assign your mouse controls to one of the joysticks and a couple of buttons. Then you can use all your pull down menus and Icons.
03-13-2005, 12:26 AM order to be able to use my new Logitech I upgraded from DOS to the latest windows version.. switched wires on the E-stop and programmed the gamepad.....So far so good..
You are right about the smoothness of the steppers compared to DOS..BIG difference..
I'll be keeping a closer eye on it for the next couple weeks just to be safe
Hopefully , no problems
Thanks , Dave
Brady Watson
03-13-2005, 12:42 AM
FYI, you didn't need to switch the wires in your E-stop. I left mine just like it was when using DOS. You simply select the configuration for 'PRT w/ Old Stop'...and you can freely switch between 2.39 and SB3 by just reloading the control box.
03-13-2005, 12:28 PM
I saw that option when I ran the new software for the first time, but I thought the difference between the two are one is Estop normally closed and the other is Estop normally open..I thought I changed it so it would be in normally closed...but now am not you know?
Also , in regards to the you know if there is a way to simulate mouse movement on the gamepad?
Thanks, Dave
03-13-2005, 12:59 PM
Sorry, I've been away from the computer for a couple of days...
I just wanted to thank all of you for the input, especially Brady!
I'll give this another try when back in the studio on Monday.
06-27-2006, 06:13 PM
Well I've had a few days to work with my Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 and I've got to say this is GREAT! I followed Brady's instructions above, made a minor change to accommodate rotation of the indexer and it works like a charm.
Now I can wander around the table and make movements without having to walk back to the PC for every single move. This is especially great for zeroing using the fixed movement.
This was money well spent. Thanks to all who contributed to this thread.
07-07-2006, 11:50 AM
Has anyone had problems with dust in their "Cordless Rumble Pad 2"?
07-07-2006, 02:05 PM
I've been blowing the dust off of mine with an air nozzle and it seems to work. I've been more worried about the drops of sweat landing on it and running into the works.
Speaking of dust and remotes, I recently hooked up an X-10 appliance module to my small dust collector and have been happy with the results.
07-07-2006, 04:44 PM
I haven't had much time to work with my rumble pad, but it has not been very reliable so far. Acts like a key sticks or something and the mouse keeps moving to one side of screen and the shopbot will take off in a random direction. Any one else had similar problems?
I'm not sure if it's radio interference or a problem with the pad. Haven't taken time to diagnose yet - just unplugged it, but thought I'd see if anyone else had similar problems.
07-07-2006, 05:36 PM
I have accidentally left mine on the table next to the indexer and had it burried in dust several times already but blowing it off seems to work, no problems yet. I've only had it less than 2 weeks but believe me, it's been plenty dirty already.
Reliability wise it's been very good too. I would be hesitant to use it in an environment with any other 2.4 Ghz equipment though, I think that could be a bad thing. Ken, do you have anything else in the vicinity like 2.4 Ghz phones or a WiFi network?
07-08-2006, 02:13 AM
I just got mine set up today. I think I'll save and use the clear formed packaging as a cover until it wears out. The only problem so far is that it seems like after it hasn't been used for a while, possibly when it go's into sleep mode, it doesn't seem to want to work until I get it's attention again by various means.
The joysticks work great for all axis moves/jogs and the D-pad works good for speed increase/decrese. The only key binding problem was any attemps at "Ctrl" and a arrow.
How about someone out there with a probe, probing the bottom of this thing to make a cradle that you could mount on the X carraige? Something just deep enough that it would capture the four corners.
07-08-2006, 12:46 PM
Can someone send me the remote.pdf. Thanks in advance.
07-10-2006, 06:11 PM
Does any of the remote wired or wireless work with 3.0. I look in the settings keyboard command and it is grayed out in mine. Did they take away the keyboard command to use with arrow keys?
07-11-2006, 10:26 AM
My problem was the d-pad was sticking and causing a simulated key press. Removed all keys from d-pad and it works great.
Jeff, I'm not sure what you're asking for by remote.pdf. Are you in preview mode where the K command is grayed out - it only works in move/cut mode.
07-11-2006, 10:26 AM
If your in preview mode, SK will be grayed out. If your in Move/Cut mode, then it is active.
Edited; Ken beat me to it ;-)
07-11-2006, 10:38 AM
Jeff, I read farther back in thread and see what you meant by remote.pdf. I think that info in now in userguide.pdf around page 78.
07-11-2006, 10:40 AM
Jeff, I found that remote.pdf in my junk drawer. You have mail.
07-11-2006, 05:21 PM
I was in the preview mode. Thanks everyone.
07-11-2006, 08:44 PM
For those of you (who like me) have troubles finding the logitech game controller - I went to Wal-mart and purchased a PC based wireless game controller that works wonderfully. The brand is 'Game-elements'. From what I gathered from this thread - it's not a whole lot different than the logitech both in form and function.
07-12-2006, 09:10 AM (
Has the cordless rumble pad II.
08-10-2006, 05:09 AM
The option of using a corded USB game pad exists as well. Using a program called "Total Game Control" The program allows multiple key detection on the pad for diagonal moves and also allows multiple key stroke outputs in one go or with a defined pause between nominated keys.
check out
08-10-2006, 09:46 AM
Whatever happened to Shopbot's Remote?
When it first came out, I thought it was THE neatest and most useful accessory!
Went looking for it on their Accessories and Production Aids webpages,
but see no mention of it: did it bomb?
What's the story? Why no new,improved version?
08-10-2006, 03:10 PM
David, I think they stopped making them when the windows version of the software was released. With its release you then could use the mouse to perform all the functions of the remote.
08-10-2006, 04:37 PM
Not quite sure your statement "adds up", Bill
-but thanks anyway.
I don't quite see how a mouse on a 4 ft. wire
can help me center X and Y where I need it
on the far outer side of my 48 x 96 table,
but until I hear someone else on the subject,
your word is Gospel!!
08-10-2006, 09:54 PM
David, Sorry if I’m not clear. I use the mouse to do this all the time. Just add an extension cable to your mouse. Enable the keypad function from the Shopbot control software, then check the small remote check box to enable the mouse. I simply hold the mouse in my hand. The right and left buttons control the axes movement direction and pressing down on the scroller wheel changes the function from x to y to z. I have the speakers enabled on the computer so I get audible feedback as each function is changed. One beep for X, two beeps for y, and three beeps for z. Another option to consider is the wireless rumble pad/game controller that others have tried. I haven’t tried that yet. Do a search for more info. Hope this clears this up a bit.
Bill T
You probably can get the remote PDF from SB. I do have it... it use inputs. I can't say if it work with the current SB3 but from the choice there is (VD command; ShopBot/Inputs - 1) it seem like it would work (easy to test).
Anybody use a wireless keyboard? I use mine over an extension and I really like this until I reach the end of the wire (10-12 feet). Since I know quite well the commands, I do not really need the screen so having the keyboard at the tool is very handy for everything... if it wasn't of the wire. The rumble pad wouldn't allow me to enter more than the K mode can.
I've looked at some wireless keyboard but it's nothing cheap (from 100$ and up)!... and they doesn't seem to reach very far (up the 14 feet max; most 5 feet).
08-11-2006, 12:59 AM
For anyone that's using the Rumble Pad and have the two joysticks set for the X, Y, and Z axis and if you have had trouble upon first use of the day where a axis will continue to move in the opposite direction after releasing the stick from a move in the other direction. Try increasing the "Dead Zone" under "Properties" for each axis control. The sticks seem to need to find their center before they play nice. I set mine to 75% and that seems to have cleared up the problem.
I've got one of the old remote pendants. It will work under SB3 (PRT). Although I seldom if ever use it anymore. The way the E-stop button on the pendant is wired (as per the original instructions), I don't think will work with the new "Normally Closed" setup though.
08-11-2006, 07:21 AM
You are right Scott. When upgrading my PRT to run with Alpha Software the remote became useless and the e-stop had to be closed to allow my bot to run. I need to re-wire or change out my e-stop for the newer model and abandon the pendant or modify the SB3 Alpha code to allow normally open use.
08-12-2006, 01:17 AM
Dave, I'll be facing the same thing here shortly. If I want to be able to use the pendant at any time again, maybe there's a NC switch that could be used in place of the one that is there now. A trip to Radio Shack?
08-12-2006, 07:08 AM
Scott: I heard the next SB3 update will alow normally open setting. I can wait a little while for that.
08-12-2006, 09:29 AM
Thanks for the mouse info. I use a wireless keybaord and mouse and I thought I had really found something when I discovered that the wireless mouse was a cordless stop switch. I have a PRT with a pendant that I made from the SB plans but the cordless mouse does all that the pendant does. Bye-Bye Pendant.
The wireless keyboard works great. I mainly use it to move to the opposite side of the SB to use my indexer.
Does the Rumble Pad provide any other controls besides moving the three axis? If not, what would be the advantave of it over a wireless mouse?
which keyboard (brand and model if possible) do you use and how far can it go away from it's reveiver (without problem)?
08-12-2006, 02:14 PM
I currently (subject to change) have my rumble pad set up like this.
Left Joystick - X & Y axis move/jog, push for diagonal.
Right Joystick - Z axis move/jog, push for diagonal, to the left for enter, right unassigned.
#1 - (K)eypad
#2 - Escape
#3 - Zero Z routine
#4 - (J)og (H)ome
#9 - Router on/off
#10 - (S)top
D-Pad - Up for repeat file (CTRL-R), Down for (R)esume, Left and right for <Speed Down >Speed Up
Crtl and Alt on the backside buttons
I still have more options, but I haven't tried everything yet.
Setting it for Keypad Fixed move is one I should do.
You could also set it up to navigate to files, but that's easier at the keyboard.
I don't use/have prox switches, but Home X & Y would be a good one too.
08-13-2006, 11:54 PM
I am using a Logitech Cordless Duo, a cordless keyboard and mouse. I don't remember what the limit is but I think that ten feet is streching it. I have some extensions hooked up between the computer and transmitter so that I can move it closer to where I am working. I have had this a few years now and it was the lowest price of the cordless keyboards the day I bought it so I expect that the newer ones, especially the bluetooth ones will go farther.
08-14-2006, 12:22 AM
I purchased a logitech dinova cordless bluetooth keyboard, mouse and keypad set. It works great and up to 60 feet away. Check it out, you can control the shopbot with the keypad it has the arrow keys.
08-27-2006, 05:18 PM
Is it possible to call up custom cuts from the Logitech or other remote? The problem I see is that the "C" command followed by any of the custom cut commands on the menu brings up the fill in sheet which requires a keyboard entry to continue. I'm surprised that clicking on C7 brings up a fill in sheet rather than going directly to the C7 custom file.
08-27-2006, 10:51 PM
C7 should not by itself bring up a fill-in sheet, have you checked to see if one of the commands in the shortcut itself is calling up the fill-in sheet?
08-28-2006, 10:46 AM
I was using C7 as an example. Any of the custom cuts, including the ones that come with the latest version of SB, bring up the fil in sheet.
The following is the custom cut I wrote:
'Jog to X = 15, Y = 15, Z =1
mz 1
j2 15,15
Very brief, just a routine to locate the tool at a specific location. I'd like to be able to program the Logitech remote for strategic locations to cut down on the need for accessing the keyboard.
Are typing C7 or C# then entreing 7 in the fill-in? Up to 9, you can use only C1 (to 9). N matter what's in the cutom cut code.
Sorry, can't help you about the Remote...
08-28-2006, 03:10 PM
If you are pressing C followed by any number from 1 to 9, you should not get a fill-in sheet.
Are you using the most current version of SB? If not download the most current version for your machine and see if that fixes it.
08-28-2006, 04:33 PM
Thanks Paco,
I bet you'd like a remote. You don't have to be tied to the keyboard to run your machine and they're programable. You can set up the commands you use the most.
08-28-2006, 05:15 PM
Phil, I have the Z zero routine programmed on one of the buttons with C2 as the recorded keystrokes.
08-28-2006, 06:23 PM
Many of the files I cut have the origin at the center. I plan to have some buttons programed to specific points on the table so I don't have to type in the coordinates. I can use the custom cuts to work with the programmed buttons.
Thanks Dave, Paco and Scott.
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