View Full Version : Outdoor Sign out of pine

07-15-2008, 02:25 AM
Its been while since I posted here, but as I do quite often, I've come here looking for advice

I have a customer who wants an outdoor sign made out of some thick pine. This is mostly due to a 3D relief carving she wants in it. Other than that it has to be painted.
My question is, what are my layers?
I was thinking of the following:
1) 1 or 2 coats of shellac to seal it up.
2) Zinzer 1-2-3 bullseye primer
3) Oil based enamel for the colors.
4) Frog juice or 1 Shot UV clear coat.

Does this seem like a good combo? Should I use an automotive HB primer instead of the Zinnzer?

Also, I'd like to hear some recommendations for a spray gun to apply that which I have listed. Something reasonable price wise, as I don't paint a ton of stuff. I've used an airless before, and I like what it does, its just such a pain to clean up, and uses a lot of paint ~ a hassle if you are dong a small job.

