View Full Version : Isolated tool paths in Enroute

01-21-2008, 12:47 PM
Is it possible to assign a different fill tool path to a section of a relief in Enroute 3D?

Let me explain. Say you have a domed surface that is smooth and routes smooth with a 1/2" ball nose at 90% overlap. Now, conformed to that domed surface is a graphic--say of a deer--which needs to be routed with an 1/8" bit to get the degree of detail that is desired. Is it possible to do the finish pass on the domed surface with the 1/2" but have it only do a rough pass of the deer? I would think yes because it won't fit into the crevices like the 1/8" would. The trick then becomes going back and having the deer--and only the deer--done with the 1/8". The advantage, of course, is the time not spent milling the domed surface with the 1/8" bit. Is it possible to isolate only part of a relief to be done with a different bit?

Or, do I have to route them seperate and inlay?

All thoughts, questions, and suggestions are welcomed.


01-21-2008, 07:24 PM
My thought is they would have to be seperate toolpaths to begin with. Then when you create your dome, initially you would set a eps outline of your deer on top so that is the inside boundry of the dome. Then the toolpath knows not to cut that part. Then set your model within the eps outline and cut that as a seperate toolpath. This is just a guess...

01-22-2008, 10:20 AM
I thought about that, Jack, but then realized that when I merge the two reliefs to contour the one over the other, a single relief is created which has to be treated as a single tool path. The big thing I'm trying to avoid is having to inlay the complex shape into the simpler shape. Having everything carved out of a single piece is the goal but I think I'm stuck with inlaying.

What I do now to inlay is a little different. For letters, for instance, I create a flat relief of the letter and set it on the bottom plane of the relief (or whatever height to which I want the finished letters set once it's merged taking into account the depth of the domed relief. That gives me the relief of the letters with the same curve as the top of the dome. I then carve the letters seperate. I use those letter positions, with the relief removed, to do a end mill route to carve out the pocket at the right depth. I prime and paint everything seperate and drop into place. What I have not done is merged a complex relief over the top of a curved surface and then have the complex relief conform while at the same time having the depth to be able to drop into a cleared pocket. Can I do that??

Thanks for the suggestion. You certainly have me thinking.


01-22-2008, 02:53 PM
I'm not sure i explained it correctly or i understand for that matter. But here is how i (think) it might work.
Take the pic here and make your dome (The part in blue).
By putting the eps outline on there it should only cut where you see the blue bounded by the yellow line. The outline acts as your "placeholder". Then take your model and place it where the outline is and do your toolpath the normal way. The experts could better explain it but thats my "hypothesis".


01-25-2008, 01:52 PM
Thanks, Jack, for clarifying. Are you talking about two- or three-dimensional toolpaths? The problem I'm having, I think, is that I don't know if it's possible to isolate parts of a single 3D relief and cut with two seperate but not overlapping toolpaths. I would do a rough clearing pass over the whole thing down to within .0625" with a bigger bit and then come back to do cleaning passes to get down to the final depth. I would want to clean the larger, smoother area with a larger diameter ball nose and use a smaller diameter ballnose to get into all the nooks and crannies of the complex part of the relief. What I'm trying to avoid is having the small diameter bit nudge it's way across the large, smooth area for which it is not needed.
