View Full Version : Label printing from SB Link

08-22-2009, 03:48 PM
I just started a project that has 100 sheet of plywood and over 640 parts to be cut. Found out something interesting about SB Link label printing. When I selected printing on 1.33" x 4" barcode labels it only printed out half of the labels for each sheet. So for sheet 1 there were 13 parts slated to be cut. SB Link printed out 6 labels, the rest I had to write by hand. Sheet 2 had 12 parts and SB Link printed 5 labels, I hand wrote the rest. This has gone on for 8 sheets of 5/8" baltic birch which is the first batch of boards to cut.

I'm using the latest version of SB Link 1.0.13. Is there a parameter that tells SB Link to print labels for all the parts on a sheet or is something wrong with this release?


www.diamondlakewoodworks.com (http://www.diamondlakewoodworks.com)

Gary Campbell
08-22-2009, 03:57 PM
I am sure I am being Captain Obvious here, but check the printer page, margin etc settings?

I have previewed the labels and assume I am going to get what I see. For at the shop I am going to go with the DYMO style heat tranfer label in roll format. JC Ming has one and may have used this process, maybe he will chime in with his results.

Other than that... as usual, post on the eCabs forum and or email TW tech supt.

08-22-2009, 04:22 PM

Already posted to eCabs. Will send a copy to TW support.

The labels that do print, print perfectly aligned on the label forms. The problem is SB Link is leaving out several parts labels when it sends the print job to the printer. Even if I print to a window instead of the printer, parts labels are missing. Me thinks it might be a bug.


08-23-2009, 06:43 PM

As Gary mentioned, I've been using a Dymo label printer, as well as a handheld barcode scanner, in conjunction with the SB Link with great success.

The only factor (other than a bug) that I can think of which might be creating your "missing labels" result is if you have selected one of the label report formats that is only intended to generate a subset of the total number of project parts. The best way to explain this is via the label type/format that I'm using. Since I have a Dymo thermal printer, I selected the small address label media, which are easier to remove than the larger shipping labels. The product number for this label is 30252, and if you look under the label report options, you'll see 4 reports which begin with that number:

30252_Address - this report will create/print a label for every part in the project, including parts with barcodes that require flipside operations or barcodes for off-fall. It will NOT include the special symbols on the labels, which identify which cabinet number the part belongs with.

30252_Address_Barcode - If I choose this label format, then ONLY the parts/labels with barcodes on them will be printed. I use this format quite often for smaller jobs where I can keep track of which parts belong to which cabinets, so I only want to print labels for parts that need flip-side ops, which I'll scan with the barcode scanner at the end of the job when batch-processing the flipside machining. This has worked without any problems, and the barcode scanner drastically streamlines the process.

30252_Address_Symbol - This report is identical to the first one (all parts will get a label), but symbols will also be printed on the label to more easily identify the cabinet number.

30252_Address_Symbol_Barcode - This report is identical to the second one (only labels with barcodes will be printed), but symbols will again be added to the label.

So my best guess, based on your description in the first posting, is that since you selected the 1.33 X 4 BARCODE format, you're only getting the labels in your projet that have barcodes (and thus flipside ops). Try another label report format and preview the result on screen to see if that gives you the full set of labels that you are expecting.

A couple of final things that might help:

1) After quite a bit of research, I selected the Dymo thermal printer, because it requires no ink cartridges and thus is drastically less likely to be contaminated by dust in the ShopBot environment. Also, no ink cartridges to buy, though the paper media is a bit more expensive. Still, at less than 1 cent per label, it's a trivial cost compared to the labor savings. I got a new Dymo 400 Turbo on eBay for about $70.

2) If you are going to print barcode labels for flipside ops, then do yourself a HUGE favor and buy an inexpensive handheld barcode scanner. This makes data entry during the flipside processing fast and completely idiot proof (just what I need.... :-) I purchased an EconoScan CCD barcode scanner with USB interface for $50 (again, on eBay). Windows XP immediately recognizes the input device with no drivers required, and squeezing the trigger while aiming it at a barcode is just like typing those numbers/letters on the keyboard. One thing that I did stumble across, which validated my Econoscan purchase decision, is that you want to get a scanner that has programmable features. Specifically, you want to be able to control whether the scanner adds a carriage return (ENTER) following the text string or not. This will allow (or prevent) the SB Link software from instantly reacting when you scan the barcode during flipside ops. Some of the less expensive CCD scanners are not programmable.

3) And finally, with the addition of the barcode scanner and printing of labels for sheet off-fall, the incorporation of those off-fall panels into subsequent jobs couldn't be easier. On each job that I run now, I'll click the Add Sheets button before running nesting, then simply use the barcode scanner to "zap" each off-fall sheet label that is compatible with that job. Though not well documented, you can just sequentially scan as many barcodes as you want, and those sheets from the off-fall database will automatically be added to the job prior to nesting. This approach has saved me tons of time and drastically reduced the amount of irregular offcuts that had been accumulating around my machine.

I hope the suggestions included here were worth the long read.... Regards.


08-23-2009, 07:12 PM

I think you just explained perfectly what is lacking in the SB Link manual. None of the label printing instructions in the SB Link manual go into clearing up this subject like you have.

After seeing your explanation I see that the label I choose - 1p33x4_Address_Sheet_Barcode.rpt - is exactly the reason why I was only getting part of the labels to print. I will switch to the - 1p33x4_Address_Sheet.rpt - label because I do want to get all the labels printed with the symbols to help match cabinet parts together.

Since I currently use sheets of labels (I have about 1000 labels left to use up) instead of the Dymo printer, I am limited to two different label layouts and that's it. I'm going to look up the Dymo printer and scanner (which model #) you use and try and get more efficient like you have done.

Have you thought of sending your detailed instructions to Thermwood for inclusion into the SB Link manual? I think it would be a GREAT addition to the manual and clear things up for small brained people like me....

Thanks again SO VERY MUCH!!!!


Gary Campbell
08-23-2009, 07:19 PM
Thanks JC...
(a little irony here?)

It does seem that the "programmer types" have a difficult time writing instruction that is understandable to those that have never seen their product or actually need the instruction.

08-23-2009, 07:33 PM
Another vote in favor of the Dymo 400 printer. Very efficient, and easy to use.

John's post may have given me the nudge I've needed to add a barcode scanner to my set up, as well.

08-23-2009, 10:46 PM
Found a place with good pricing for the Scanner.


$56.87 new.


08-23-2009, 11:11 PM

That's the model that I use - price looks good. As I mentioned before, I think the USB version is the most universal and gives the best "plug 'n play" capability. The keyboard wedge model daisy-chains in with a standard keyboard plug.

One of the most interesting aspects of this model is that you can change it's internal programming in a very large number of ways by simply scanning special barcodes that are printed in the owner's manual. That's an elegant and yet simple approach that was easy to understand and to use. I've also dropped mine onto concrete several times with no ill effects, so it looks like it's pretty durable.

As stated before, the time-savings obtained from a $50 I/O gadget makes it a no-brainer addition to the SB Link (in my opinion).


PS, I'm glad my label description helped you.