View Full Version : Tabs/Bridge Sale
Bridges-Tabs for sale. A big bag of 20@ 1/4"X1/2" is only $12.00. Custom sizes are also available. Call for prices. With these you can hold down very small letters. Works every time. No vacuum required.
These aren't those cheepie imports. They are made in our shop and individually inspected.
Stay tuned for next months special:
One extra large bag of post holes. Your choice of 6" or 8".
Make checks to
Dr. Crumley's Inventions
2200 research Park
Norman, Okla.
05-13-2008, 09:06 AM
Sorry I missed your "special" last month on the day stretcher. If you happen to run that super special again, please post here so we all will be able to get on.
Next week I will be bending some stock for bent wood rockers, can I order 3 buckets of steam now so I'll have them when I am ready?
Thanks for providing such great customer service!
Thanks Ed,
I think we can do business!
I should mention the warning that comes with the post holes. Once down, they can't be moved. You'll have to fill in the hole.
Here's how they work. Carefully place the postholes where you want them, and drop in the posts. Fill with concrete.
I keep a couple of extra bags behind my pickup seat.
If your business is sagging why not consider a Dr.Crumley's Rootin Tootin Franchise. Once you do that success is directly ahead.
Dr. Crumleys rootin tootin new ideas.
Signing Off
05-13-2008, 11:49 AM
Count me in on your franchise. Business has slowed down on the digital camera film I sell but the sbp Move statements are going well. This month's special: Free M3,0,0,0 statement with every purchase.
05-13-2008, 11:54 AM
Do you know if you will be adding a "can of sparks" to your product line? if so i'll take a couple. Also what do you charge for custom size post holes?
05-13-2008, 12:04 PM
Just like Joe's tabs, we offer custom sizes also, but if you order now, you get free engraving on your tabs.
Post holes comes in two depths. We get 24" depth with the Interositor but have 36" ones from the Herkamajizer. Same good price either way.
I see I have competition with my Custom Bridges. No problem there's room for everyone. Once the Vacuum Heads find out about the bridge business we'll be in Tall Cotton.
05-13-2008, 12:54 PM
In light of 4/1 on 5/13, I'd like to offer canned motor smoke, made right in my own shop. Keep a couple cans in stock for those weekend emergencies. They work kind of like the aerosol cans for flat tires. Next time the smoke escapes from your motor and it won't work anymore, you'll be prepared!
05-13-2008, 03:35 PM
Just added . . .
New Air Cutting Bit. The next time you need to do an air cut, just remove your existing bit from the collet, and presto, our air cutting bit is automatically installed. No need to wait for shipping, just send in your payment today, and your license code will be e-mailed to you. Life time warranty!
See photo below ...
05-13-2008, 05:41 PM
Business been slow, Joe? You must have too much time on your hands. Go take a nap. Or count your money.
05-13-2008, 06:23 PM
I have so many of this product I am willing to give them away for free includeing shipping. For some reason they roll right into my shop all day long non-stop. You ask what they are well i'll tell you. Cheapskates, I think they are the parents of the kids in the mall with those roller shoes. just let us know how many you need and i'll rush as many out to you as you want.
05-13-2008, 10:29 PM
I have kerfs for sale. Various widths and depths available. You just arrange them on your material as needed and then remove the parts you want. They are 100% compatible with joe's tabs/bridges. Sold by the foot.
I have a panel saw (wall saw), for sale. It has an adjustable 'stop' on it and it'll cut rectangles and squares out of thick hard material faster than any CNC machine ever could. 1/4" aluminum? No problem. Where's the WD-40? Anyone remember what a panel saw is?
Seriously, when it comes to tabs and bridges for small parts, I need to experiment with that some more before I invest in a vacuum table of any kind. The problem, as I imagine it, would be with thin aluminum composite materials like Polymetal and Di-Bond. The bottom of that tab is gonna be aluminum and you ain't gonna cut that with a utility knife. Gotta drag out the jig saw with a fine metal cutting blade, lay the material on some thick Styrofoam, and start carefully cutting tabs. If we're talking 2" or 3" letters, maybe 30 or 40 of 'em, this could be a real pain and sounds too much like work.
On the other hand, you CAN go a long ways with the right bit and feed speeds using no tabs at all. I had a 1/8" Belin bit that worked wonders on thick Sintra with 2 or more passes at .75 IPS. I was cutting through 2" letters of 1/2" pvc with 2 passes and no problems as it packed the kerfs with chips and the part didn't move, but I broke the dang thing about 6 weeks ago when I set the feed rate too fast. I can't remember where I ordered it from and have no record of the #. Google search no help. Dang!
To vac or not to vac,...that is the question. I don't feel like a complete Shopbotter unless I get a vac table!
Like you, I like Belin bits. To my way of thinking, there isn’t any other bit which even comes close. These are the Rolls Royce of bits but don't cost that much.
The rest of this message is for Marks eyes only. So don’t read any further. It’s the honor system. So close your eyes.
Go buy a cheepie Harbor Freight table top belt sander. One with the little 4” disk sander on the side. $65.00 That thing will remove bridge marks so fast you won’t believe it.
I like thick, fat bridges. Not too wide. A sharp chisel and mallet knock them right out. For metal, I use a small air powered cut-off wheel. Harbor Freight $25.00 The belt sander makes short work on these too.
We cut lots of Extira letters from ½” and ¾” stock. We use a 30 degree bit. The tilting table on the blet sander makes short work of it.
Now, everyone else can, you can open your eyes. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Haha thanks, Joe. Your sage advice may have saved me big bucks from investing in and building a vac table after the big deal I've made recently in here about considering one. I have yet to order any vac motors.
There seems to be two trends of thought in here about vacuum hold down:
1. "Go vac and you'll never go back!"
2. "You don't need no stinkin' vac table!"
I've come a long way without one and just may continue to do so. Or maybe I'll just make a small "Brady Vac" to hook up to my Shop-Vac and call it a day. Right now, however, I gotta find out where I got that 1/8" Belin bit from and exactly what kind it was. Cutting through 1/2" sintra (& thicker), it would pull up the chips on the first pass then pack them in on the second with no rewelding of the pvc and no tabs necessary as long as the feed rate was nice and slow.
*Note to SELF* 'Keep better records of where you buy your bits from and what # they are, you dummy!'
Advanced Machine Tools
Belin Bits.
You better watch out about down playing vacuums. There's hardworking chaps on the forum who's invest lots and time and materials on making mechanical holdowns.
Since we don't do much sheet goods it would be a waste of time for me.
Centra and PVC.
I like using a double fluted strait bit. No tabs. The debris left behind will hold letters in place.
05-15-2008, 08:54 AM
I have been using double fluted straight bits too and love them. I didn't find the spiral ones worked well for me. I thought I was the only one that was straight around here.
I had better get straight to work now!
05-15-2008, 12:09 PM
Getting back on topic here, as long as we're establishing new revenue streams I'm planning a big sale on broken router bits - no sense breaking your own expensive bits when you can buy my pre-broken ones by the pound at much more reasonable prices. Large selection. Details to follow.
Mark you would probably be well served by routing a hole on your table and using a Brady Vac II for a while to see how much you like vacuum. If you only need it occasionally and mostly for less than full sheets that might be all you need.
As for vac/no vac Joe you are the only one I can think of who had a vac table and scrapped it. Everyone else with a table seems to be of the "won't go back" mentality. I know there are plenty of folks out there without one, and anyone who is willing to go to the trouble of making one probably is doing the kind of work that would benefit from having one, but for any kind of flat work it is the cat's meow. Once you have vacuum you have the option to use it or not on any project. Without it you have fewer options.
05-15-2008, 12:39 PM
Dr. Joe,
I can see a pattern here. You are deliberately trying to steer people away from the REAL money maker in the background-swarf! All of us make it daily, and we never know what to do with it. So don't think we aren't on to your plot, I've heard that there are barrels and barrels of the stuff behind your shop just waiting for your next business venture- the swarf cartel.....
05-15-2008, 12:47 PM
With the price of oil steadily increasing, a Swarf to ethanol cconversion might be viable.
Getting back to the subject at hand.
I've had some complaints on the 8" post holes. They are aparently a little shallow. If anyone else has been shorted this way, we'll make them good. I'll send a new bag and include a few .50 bridges.
It's Dr. Crumleys where "Satisfaction is guaranteed".
Gary Campbell
05-15-2008, 11:32 PM
While you have been out hawking your wares, I have been quietly working in the backround. I have just completed the shipping of almost 10,000 of these items to your wives for the modest sum of $19.99 plus $4.99 S & H.
The next time your wives ask you to complete an item on her "Honey-Do" list, and you use the phrase, "When I get a round tuit", remember that she has one in stock for you!!!
05-16-2008, 09:47 AM
Joe, It's good to see you own up to the error on the post hole depths. I've only had one complaint on my kerfs... somebody installed them on his spoil board instead his sheet goods and acts like that's my problem. The instructions are very clear.
Gary... say it ain't so! Don't ship those to my wife!
05-16-2008, 11:31 AM
Don't get caught without your own personal SMOKE BLOWER!
Our Basic Smoker is capable of handling missed deadlines, cost overruns, quality issues, and forgotten appointments.
A new model is about to be released from R&D and is available at a discount for advanced purchase (small good-faith deposit is required). In addition to all the features of the basic model, the BS-PLUS completely negates the effects of Round TUITs. When you are handed on of these hideous tokens, just a little smoke from the BS-PLUS will have her asking what she can do for you.
Note: We were planning on getting rich by marketing these to a select group of ShopBotters; however, after reading this thread, it is obvious that we will have to re-examine our demographic base.
05-16-2008, 01:28 PM
The new DRSB for Professionals class is now available. Classes are in session at the local bar everyday. Tuition is equivelent to the cost of a mug of adult libation. courseware is customized to your personal tastes... (Not recomended for interns)
This message has been paid for by DRSB
call or write:
Divert Responsability Shift Blame
Washington DC
ACT NOW Every graduate gets a free DIY divorce kit and a map showing every welfare hut in the country!!!
Testimonial: I would never have believed it before, now I am a lifetime follower. That Blue Dress didn't even slow me down!
05-16-2008, 04:35 PM
What a creative bunch of guys. Not much work getting done, but very creative.
Thanks, as usual, for your insigntful post.
Fortunately, some of us have adjusted our hourly rates so as not to be indentured.
Go back to sleep.
05-17-2008, 12:38 AM
"ZZZZZZZ" Sorry, was sleepin... ;-) DRSB class sounds kind of fun...
05-17-2008, 12:17 PM
I aint got no stenkin dentures.
05-17-2008, 12:53 PM
Having seen Joes post to Raymond, above and when you read it with with a sarcastic slant, you can't help but laugh out loud.
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