View Full Version : Cutting 120" on a 96" Shopbot

10-21-2008, 09:37 PM
I am new at routering, and I have a .50" MDO Board that I need to do a profile cut. The MDO is 120", and I have a 96" Shopbot. I am using V-Carve Pro, and I have no Idea who to do this without taking out my jigsaw! It is a fairly simple cut. Any advice, ro can somebody point me in a direction where I can learn how to do this?

Thank you in advance.

10-21-2008, 09:53 PM
Devin, I assume that you need the cut to be 120" long? If that is the question, then cut your vectors at 60", make your cuts. When that's done, move your piece the 60" then finish the other 60". You will have to support the sheet at the ends to keep it flat on the table.

10-25-2008, 12:15 PM
Resgistering the part is the challenge, but not impossible, I've done it. One quick dirty method:

Ad Bryson suggested, cut on the left 60" first. Tab your parts in so the sheet remains intact.

In the waste areas, drill 1/4" or 3/8" (depending on your bit) holes right though the material and into your spoil board in 2 places. You can patch your spoil board later with bondo or wood putty.

Now, on your far right reach drill 2 more holes you will use for registration when you slide the part over.

Now, design your work so the two holes you drilled will align your work on the right 60". This is a little hard to explain so I hope you get it. Basically, when you slide the peice over to work on the right 60" you'll use the holes to register your part with the assistance of 2 small dowels of the correct diameter.

Once that's done and the hold down is good, you can remove the dowels and start cutting. BTW, don't turn off the machine unless you have a positive way to rezero to the same spot.

Hope that makes sense.