View Full Version : Extira Update

05-02-2008, 10:38 PM
A couple of years ago I posted my excitement about a new product "Extira" and wanted to update this information.

Extira is very much a material which we use regurarly. It has limitations such as weight and difficulty with water based primers. Every substrate has limitation. We do a work around on each. I've tried it for 3D work but it's much too soft and fuzzy. Good for letters but floppy at legnth. It has poor holding power for screws. Still, I like it for many jobs. Cheap too.

I completed this sign a couple of weeks ago that was make entirely from Extira.


The outside size was 40"X40" with pocketed letters. I didn't want to work myself into a time consuming letter sanding so we textured them with exterior spackle. Then primed and gilded with 23K.

The panel was .75" with the back addition of a 2" strip around the back. Bringing to 1.75" thickness. Nice and heavy. I'm considering selling signs by the pound. It was primed with automtive high build primer and finished with Dupont.


This is my favorite photo because the chap with the hammer dirll is Dr. Ingles, my favorite surgeon. We let him install his own sign, free.


Terry was keeping a good eye on him just in case.


05-02-2008, 10:54 PM
Cool, Joe. I'm guessing that the smaller copy and the fancy "I" is vinyl?

05-02-2008, 11:16 PM
Yep Mark,

The paint was "Base Coat" auto paint which requires a clear topcoat. I scotchbrite the surface of vinyl letters which makes the clear coat take hold.

05-03-2008, 01:09 AM
You seem to be the "Yoda" of the Shopbot signmaking forum here (not because of your pointy ears) but your experience and knowledge! Some absolutely beautiful stuff. Good work.

05-03-2008, 02:04 PM
"Cheap too"

Yep, that's the main reason, huh, Joe?

I'll have to admit, that old guy does some fantastic work.

05-03-2008, 04:28 PM

Thanks for the complement.

You may remember this panel. It was in gray primer when you came by. I think we discussed the weight. On small signs I really like them to be a little heavier. I just finished a 18"X56" Precision Board piece and it was so light I glued some extira in the interior. I'll show a photo of how I did it.
