View Full Version : Almost done!

03-16-2006, 08:24 PM

Almost done! Just need to add some thin white pinstriping around the capital building. VeeCarve wizard used for vee carving and Photo Vee carve wizard used for the capital image. Bitmap of capital was provided and was so dirty even through conversion it would have been hours to clean up. With PVCW I was able to just engrave the image onto 1/4" solid surface and paint black then sand raised area. Not reel keen on the layout myself but it was what the customer wanted. Close up would reveal a faux granite finish on the backround.
Size = 4' x 6'


03-16-2006, 11:31 PM
Nice combination!

Could you post a close up of the "capital" engraving?

03-17-2006, 08:34 PM
O.K. Here's the storyline behind the engraving.

I received this bitmap from the customer


Here's the closeup of the bmp as you can see it was pretty dirty


Even with CORELX3 new trace capabilities I would have had hours in cleaning this particular one up for milling. I wouldn't even want to think if weeding this in vinyl.


Luckily Photo Vee Carve Wizard had just come out and instead of paying a local guy with a Vinyl Edge printer $150 to print this image I decided to give the PVCW a try. I couldn't have been happier. I downloaded PVCW, played with it for about 20 minutes trying different bits and features and decided to go ahead set up the engraving.
Darn near perfect on the first attempt.


I can't remember ever getting a piece of software that was so immediatly easy to use and useful. Really got me out of a jam on this project. Kudos to the vectric team

03-17-2006, 08:42 PM
As a side note I don't think PVCW was intended necessarily for bitmaps but as you can see it works equally as well on them.