11-21-2008, 11:04 AM
For the past few years I have been making awards for our football team using sublimated aluminum on 5"x7" pre-finished dark walnut plaques. My sublimation printer is not working so I am going to use the shopbot to v-carve the awards.
What would be the best method to paint the v-carve? Would vinyl transfer tape work as a masking material?
The plaques are clear coated already and the football coaches are fine with me leaving the carve unfinished but I would like to make them look a little nicer. I have about ten to make.
Feel free to post here or email me at mnaughton(at)d155(dot)org with any suggestions.
Thanks in advance,
Mike Naughton
Cary-Grove High School
What would be the best method to paint the v-carve? Would vinyl transfer tape work as a masking material?
The plaques are clear coated already and the football coaches are fine with me leaving the carve unfinished but I would like to make them look a little nicer. I have about ten to make.
Feel free to post here or email me at mnaughton(at)d155(dot)org with any suggestions.
Thanks in advance,
Mike Naughton
Cary-Grove High School