View Full Version : Colored squares on SB Link printed parts labels

08-21-2009, 11:23 PM
When I print part labels from SB Link using the 1.33" x 4" barcode label, there is a little colored square on each of the labels. Some labels have squares the same color as other labels and some labels square color is different. I can't see any kind of a pattern as to why some labels have the same color but other labels have different colors. I can't find anywhere in the manual as to the purpose of these.

Anyone SB Link guru's have any ideas?


www.diamondlakewoodworks.com (http://www.diamondlakewoodworks.com)

08-22-2009, 01:39 AM

I have not noticed any color but black.
Then I have not cut any cabinets for a while.
Anything to do with edgebanding?

08-22-2009, 01:52 AM
Hi Roger,

None of the parts in this batch have any edge banding. At first I thought maybe it was a way to group parts into their respective assemblies - i.e. all the parts for a drawer all one color, but that didn't pan out.

Right now I just don't know other then it takes color ink to print them and maybe Thermwood owns stock in an inkjet print cartridge company - LOL :-) :-)


Gary Campbell
08-22-2009, 02:02 AM
When that particular style of label is selected, all the parts of one cabinet are supposed to be of one color, next cabinet another color. This is to make it easier for your non English speaking table cleaner and stacker to do his job. With or without color, if you have edgeband specified, it should also show up in its proper orientation on the label.


08-22-2009, 11:07 AM
Thank you Gary. That answered it perfectly.

I didn't know there was a Thermwood Blog. It has some good information - even for Shopbotters.
