View Full Version : Any Ohio "Buddy" owners?

02-13-2008, 12:03 PM
I am looking for a Shopbot owner to make a plaque for me.
I was thinking of having it made out of three quarter inch oak. I would like it to be approximately 12 inches x 12 inches with. I would like the image carved out of a blank piece of wood. If you can let me know about what the piece will cost I’ll let you know if you should cut it out. I am interested in knowing what size machine you have. I have been looking at the smaller unit called the “Buddy”.

02-18-2008, 09:09 AM
There is a whole forum section called "Looking for Shopbot Owner" where this might get answered. It's not particularly pertinent to this forum section called "PRS Assembly>>Other" and is not likely to be read or replied to. I'm sort of surprised the forum admin hasn't moved it there on your behalf.