View Full Version : YZ Car Lower Bearings Question

04-10-2009, 10:54 PM
After removing the wheel bearing from the lower portion of the YZ-Car, I was reviewing the assembly. Page28 of the assembly manual shows 1 precision washer. I can't be sure what this washer really looks like from the picture and where the confusion comes in for me is two-fold. First the manual shows only 1 washer. The wheel bearing has two washers one on either side if what I suspect is the precision washer, I've drawn an arrow pointing to it in the picture. I thought I could compare it to the extras bag for reference however I can't find an extras bag with my new Bot, guess I need to contact ShopBot for this. I've enclosed a picture of what appears to me as the precision washer, I don't want to chance it because the manual states "This washer is critical for the alignment of the car and for normal operation of the bearing. Thanks for your help!



Brady Watson
04-10-2009, 11:28 PM
The precision washers are only .01 to .04" thick, depending on what is needed. I do not remember what tool you have...but just make sure that v-roller bearings on the same plane/axis are all spaced equally in relation to the rail. It is possible to have an extra washer behind a v-roller stud for instance, and have one wheel out of alignment, causing binding & premature wear. Care must be taken that when the bearing's stud/nut is tightened that the bearing is able to spin freely without binding against anything. Common sense is king.


04-11-2009, 12:41 AM
Brady, thanks for always being around to help answer questions. My situation is I'm not sure if the black washer that the arrows are pointing at in the picture are the precision washers that I'm supposed to have. The other problem is that I don't have an extra parts bag to compare those to, so I feel I may be at a standstill unless these are actually the precision washers. I sure hope this isn't a show stopper, I had planned to work on finishing the assembly on this long weekend. I have a PRSstandard 4X8.


04-11-2009, 09:06 AM
The most important thing is not weather they are precision washers...more that they are all the same thickness. Even then, what is most important is that your v wheels are as close to perfectly parallel as you can get them. Like Brady mentioned, you may need to use a slightly thicker washer on one vs another wheel to get things to line up. Some might disagree, but I would get the thing as close as you can and then tweak as you go...I have found that to be the case anyway. No matter how good I think I've got the machine set up, there is always room for improvement.