View Full Version : Shopbot wiki statistics

08-12-2007, 03:22 PM

I've been checking out the statistics on the ShopBot wiki since it went public is June and thought y'all might be interested in some of them.

Total page visits: 31,357
Unique visits: 2,928

Pages views by OS:

Windows XP: 88.76%
Vista: 6.61%
MacOS: 1.90%
Windows 2k: 1.50%
Linux: 0.62%
Windows 98: 0.26%
Windows 2003: 0.18%
Windows NT 0.09%
Linux 2.0 0.04%
Windows CE 0.04%

This is the one that surprised me a little...Browsers. Looks like Firefox is the most popular browser among ShopBotters (though Paco and I may have skewed the statistics a little!)

Mozilla: 43.20%
IE: 32.89%
Safari: 1.03%
Opera: 0.62%
Netscape: 0.17%
Konqueror: 0.10%

(The rest are search bots)